PCIH 08 — Tampa

Genuine Worker Participation in Plant OHS Programs

Selected Resources:

Key organizations and websites


Specific factory and industry reports

- Asia Monitor Resource Center: Report on Industrial Relations and Working Conditions in IMF-related TNCs in China, commissioned by the International Metalworkers’ Federation (2006)

- Garrett Brown: Lean Manufacturing Comes to China: A case study of its impact on workplace health and safety (2007) and special issue on workplace safety in China (2003), both in the International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health at www.ijoeh.com

- CEREAL: Electronics Multinationals and Labour Rights in Mexico, Second report on working conditions in the Mexican electronics industry (2007), CEREAL, accessible at www.goodelectronics.org

- China Labour Bulletin: Bone and Blood: The Price of Coal in China (2008); Falling Through the Floor, Migrant Women Workers’ Quest for Decent Work in Dongguan, China (2006); and Deadly Dust: The silicosis epidemic among Guangdong jewellery workers and the defects of China’s occupational illness prevention and compensation system (2005)

- China Labor Watch: The Long March, Survey and Case Studies of Work Injuries in the Pearl River Delta (2007) at www.chinalaborwatch.org

- PlayFair 2008: Clearing the Hurdles: Steps to Improving Working Conditions in the Global Sportswear Industry (2008), PlayFair 2008 and No medal for the Olympics on labour rights (2007), both at www.playfair2008.org

- SACOM - Scholars and Students Against Corporate Misbehavior: High Tech, No Rights? One Year Follow-Up Report on the Working Conditions in the Electronics Hardware Sector in China (2008) and Looking for Mickey Mouse’s Conscience – A survey of the working conditions of Disney’s supplier factories in China (series of reports, 2005-08), both at www.sacom.hk

- SICCA – Sethi International Center for Corporate Accountability: audit reports from Mattel, Inc. Managed Plants in Asia and China (October 2008), at www.ICCA-corporateaccountability.org

SOMO - Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations: Silenced to Deliver: Mobile phone manufacturing in China and the Philippines (2008) at www.somo.nl  

- Lori Todd, et. al. A Survey of Airborne and Skin Exposures to Chemicals in Footwear and Equipment Factories in Thailand, Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene,  March 2008.


Other organizations issuing frequent and ongoing reports


Codes of Conduct and CSR Programs

- Clean Clothes Campaign: Looking for a quick fix; How weak social auditing is keeping workers in sweatshops (2005)

- Ethical Trading Initiative: Report on the ETI Impact Assessment 2006; The ETI Code of Labour Practice: Do workers really benefit? (2006) and Getting smarter at auditing; Tackling the growing crisis in ethical trade auditing (2006)

- T.A. Frank, Confessions of a Sweatshop Inspector, Washington Monthly, April 2008

- Alexandra Harney: The China Price, The true cost of Chinese competitive advantage, Penguin Press (2008)

- Maquila Solidarity Network: Codes Memo 23: Who’s got the Universal Code? (April 2008), Codes Memo 22: The next generation of CSR reporting – Will better reporting result in better working conditions? (December 2007)

- Roseann Casey: Meaningful Change: Raising the Bar in Supply Chain Workplace Standards, Roseann Casey, Working Paper #29, J.F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University (2006), at www.ksg.harvard.edu/m-rcbg/csri/home.htm

- Richard Locke: Does Monitoring Improve Labor Standards?: Lessons from Nike, MIT Sloan Working Paper #4612-06 (2006), at http://ssrn.com/abstract=916771

- Don Wells: Too weak for the Job: Corporate codes of conduct, Non-Governmental organizations and regulation of international labor standards, Global Social Policy, v. 7, no. 1 (April 2007)


New Approaches

- Better Factories Cambodia: Eight year program in Cambodia led by the International Labor Organization at www.betterfactories.org

- Business for Social Responsibility: Pilot Summary report: Building Capabilities to Implement CSR Management Systems at ICT Suppliers in China (2008)

- Clean Clothes Campaign: Full Package Approach to Labour Codes of Conduct (2008)

- Ethical Trading Initiative: Purchasing Practices: Case studies to address impacts of purchasing practices on working conditions (November 2007)

- Oxfam Australia: Sector-wide Solutions for the Sports Shoe and Apparel Industry in Indonesia (2008) at www.oxfam.org.au

- Project Kaleidoscope Working Group: A Collaborative and Dynamic Approach to Code of Conduct Compliance (2008) at www.asyousow.org



Maquiladora Health & Safety Support Network
www.igc.org/mhssn • garrettdbrown@comcast.net • 510-558-1014                      
November 2008