Maquiladora Health & Safety Support Network
Memorandum of Understanding: China Capacity Building Project Occupational
Health and Safety, Dongguan, Guangdong Province, China (March
28, 2001)
The undersigned organizations and individuals met in Hong Kong
on November 30, 2000, and discussed the following set of agreements
to govern a one-year training project on workplace health and
safety issues. The project will include conducting and evaluating
a training at the Yue Yuen II plant in Dong Guan, China, and six
months of technical assistance and support for plant health and
safety committees following the training.
Goals and objectives
The goals and objectives of this project are the following:
a) to build the health and safety capacity of all participants
(worker, supervisor/manager, labor practices staff of the international
brands, and non-governmental organization (NGO) staff) to recognize,
evaluate and document workplace hazards;
b) to establish baseline health and safety knowledge and inspection
skills of plant health and safety committee members, and to enable
in-plant workers to meaningfully participate in improving health
and safety on the job;
c) to provide post-training technical assistance and support to
plant health and safety committees and to NGO staff with the goal
of improving conditions in the plants; and
d) to involve US-based professionals, Hong Kong-based NGOs, international
brands and China-based plant management in a collaborative process
to plan, conduct and evaluate a workplace health and safety project.
At the end of the year-long project, the participants will meet
to conduct an evaluation of the project?s process, activities,
results and impact. We hope to publish a report outlining the
lessons learned from this experience for all those around the
world interested in labor practice issues in the global economy.
Training Participants
Participants in the project will be drawn from four populations:
shop floor-level workers of the participating plants; supervisors/managers
with departmental or plant-wide responsibilities for occupational
health and safety in the participating plants; labor practices
staff of the participating international brands; and staff members
or active volunteers of the participating NGOs in Hong Kong and
The participants are intended to be individuals who now have,
or will have in the future, direct involvement in department or
plant-wide health and safety committees, and individuals who have
an interest and ongoing responsibilities in the area of occupational
health and safety. Each participating organization will design
its own method for selecting its designated participants with
the understanding that the project goal is to increase the ability
of the plants to initiate and sustain active workplace health
and safety committees involving workers, supervisors and managers.
Participating organizations are encouraged to select shop-floor
workers and supervisors/managers in such a way that all participants
will feel able to speak freely and openly during the training.
It may useful to select supervisors/managers who have department-
or plant-level health and safety responsibilities and who do not
directly supervise worker participants.
The allocation of the 88 participant places in the training will
be as follows: Yue Yuen II will select 15 shop-floor workers and
5 supervisors/managers with health and safety responsibilities;
Pegasus will select 15 shop-floor workers and 5 supervisors/managers
with health and safety responsibilities; KTS will select 15 shop-floor
workers and 5 supervisors/managers with health and safety responsibilities;
each brand (adidas, Nike and Reebok) can select 2 participants;
and a total of 22 participants to be selected by the Asia Monitor
Resource Center, Chinese Working Women Network, Hong Kong Christian
Industrial Committee, and the Hong Kong Confederation of Trade
Curriculum Issues
The training will consist of two 44-member classes attending concurrent
four-day training sessions at the YY II facility during the week
of July 30-August 3, 2001. Classroom instruction will occur in
the YY training center and significant time will be devoted to
hands-on exercises in the production areas of the plant. The training
methodology will be participatory, interactive and based on the
principles of "popular education."
A thorough written and oral needs assessment will be conducted
with the designated participants prior to the training to determine
the exact topics and priority for the training curriculum. All
written training materials will be translated into Mandarin Chinese
and the language of instruction will also be Mandarin, either
directly or through simultaneous translation. The training curriculum
and materials will be designed to be accessible and understandable
for participants of varying literacy and technical levels. The
team of instructors will include occupational health and safety
professionals from the United States, Hong Kong and China.
Primary responsibility and authority for developing the curriculum,
training materials and training team will rest upon the MacArthur
Foundation grantees and the Labor Occupational Health Program
(LOHP) at the University of California at Berkeley. The US-based
professionals will consult with the Coordinating Committee during
the curriculum development period.
Logistical Issues
The project will be organized by a Coordinating Committee and
a Local Coordinator based in Hong Kong, in partnership with the
MacArthur Foundation grantees and LOHP.
The Coordinating Committee will consist of the Local Coordinator
and one representative from each of the following organizations:
adidas, Reebok, Nike, YY II factory, Pegasus factory, KTS factory,
YY headquarters, AMRC, CWN, HKCIC, HKCTU. The Coordinating Committee
will meet monthly, starting in February 2001, and will select
its own chair, meeting schedule and locales. The Coordinating
Committee will make decisions by consensus.
The Local Coordinator will be selected and funded by the MacArthur
Foundation grantees. The Coordinator will be responsible for coordinating
all logistical aspects of the training and will also participate
in Coordinating Committee meetings. It is expected that the Coordinator
will work an average of 10-12 hours a week for the six month period
prior to the training.
Follow-Up Activities
Following the four-day training, a six-month period of evaluation,
assessment and support will be conducted to support the fledging
plant health and safety committees and to draw out the lessons
of the project. The US-based participants and the Hong Kong-based
NGOs will make themselves available to provide whatever information
and technical assistance the plant committees require, as appropriate
and feasible. The Coordinating Committee shall be the vehicle
to facilitate communication and share experiences during this
At the end of the six-month period, the US-based participants
will spend a day with each set of participants and/or facility,
and convene a final gathering to discuss and determine the outlines
of the final report and any subsequent activities that the participants
deem useful and feasible.
This first phase of long-term capacity-building work is a primarily
a learning process. The long range goal is to build on the lessons
of this concrete exercise by working with the participants, other
brands and international organizations to advance similar efforts
so that they become "mainstream" and capable of being "scaled-up"
over time. The experience of initiating and assisting health and
safety committees in these factories can lay the basis for developing
train-the-trainer activities and materials that can be applied
across facilities in China and in other countries.
Participant Relations and Confidentiality
During the course of this one year project all participating organizations
pledge to interact with one another in a good faith effort to
maximize the training goals of this project. Any concerns about
the project?s process and activities shall be shared with all
participants through the Coordinating Committee. Any information
received about problems related to health and safety, or other
labor practice issues, at the participating plants during the
course of the project shall be provided directly to the management
of the plant(s) involved, and shared with other participants through
the Coordinating Committee.
Shop-floor worker participants will be encouraged to raise any
health and safety concerns during the training and follow-up period.
All parties agree that there should be no adverse consequences
for workers who raise such concerns during the year-long project.
Project participants will resolve concerns or problems at the
participating plants through the Coordinating Committee and all
parties agree to refrain from public statements about issues under
resolution by the Coordinating Committee. This MOU will be made
public at the beginning of the project and no other public report
is expected until the end of the year-long project.
At the end of the year, a joint report will be issued where there
is consensus among all participants which outlines the lessons
learned from this experience for the benefit of interested business
and NGO communities around the world. Following the conclusion
of the project and the publication of any joint report, participants
will be free to express their own perspective on the project.
In such cases, parties publishing their views agree to circulate
those views to all other participants 72 hours in advance of their
public distribution.
Project Time Line
Assuming agreement is reached on this Memorandum of Understanding
in February 2001, the proposed schedule of activities will consist
of the following:
February-March 2001 simple written and oral needs assessment with all designated participants by the US-based instructors;
March-May 2001 development of the training curriculum, written training materials and team of instructors;
June 2001 translation of all written materials from English to Mandarin Chinese;
July 30-August 2, 2001 two concurrent four-day trainings at YY II;
August 2001 initial evaluation of training activities;
August-December 2001 post-training period of assessment and technical support for plant health and safety committees; and
December 2001 US-based participants conduct site visits and convene an all-participant meeting to prepare a final project report.
William Anderson
Head of Standards of Engagement, Asia Pacific
adidas-Salomon Sourcing International Limited
Hong Kong, SAR, China
Garrett Brown
Maquiladora Health & Safety Support Network
Berkeley, CA, USA
Phoebe Chung
Supervisor, The Counseling Center
KTS Kong Tai Shoes Mfg. Co. Ltd.
Longguan, Guangdong Province, China
Tony Fung
Program Officer
Hong Kong Christian Industrial Committee
Hong Kong, SAR, China
Derek Lee
Vice General Manager
Panyu, Guangdong Province, China
Luke Lee
Project Manager, Labor Affairs
Yue Yuen II
Dongguan, Guangdong Province, China
Todd McKean
Director, Corporate Responsibility Compliance
Nike Inc.
Beaverton, OR, USA
Dara O'Rourke
Professor, Department of Urban Studies and Planning
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA, USA
Sanjiv Pandita
Documentation Officer
Asia Monitor Resource Center (AMRC)
Hong Kong, SAR, China
Betty Szudy
Program Coordinator, Labor Occupational Health Program (LOHP)
University of California at Berkeley
Berkeley, CA, USA
Elizabeth Tang
Chief Executive
Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions
Hong Kong, SAR, China
Jill Tucker
Director, Human Rights Programs
Hong Kong, SAR, China
Chan Yu
Executive Committee member
The Chinese Working Women Network
Hong Kong, SAR, China