2009 Resources from Maquiladora Health & Safety Support Network

2009 Mexico Articles

2009 Global Factory Reports

2009 Global Development & Poverty

2009 Codes of Conduct

2009 China Factory Reports

2009 China Articles

2009 Global OHS Articles

2009 Global Electronics Article

2009 Mexico Articles

Amnesty International.  Jailed Without Justice: Immigration Detention in the in the USA. 2009.  www.globalexchange.org.

Bacon, David. Uprooted and Criminalized—The Impact of Free Markets on Migrants.  The Oakland Institute,  Backgrounder. Autumn 2008. 

Barajas, Jorge.  Labor Rights in a Time of Crisis:  Third Report on Working Conditions in the Mexican Electronics Industry.  Centre for Reflection and Action on Labour Rights, November 2009.  http://goodelectronics.org.

Barry, Tom.  Immigrant Crackdown Joins Failed Crime and Drug Wars. Center for International Policy America’s Program.  April 2009. www.globalexchange.org.

Barry, Tom.  National Security Business on the Border:  Former Border Patrol Chief Silvestre Reyes Now a Major Player in New Military, Intelligence, and Homeland Security Complex. Americas Policy Program.  September 28, 2009.  www.americaspolicy.org.

Barry, Tom.  “The New Political Economy of Immigration:  Since Sept. 11, 2001, immigrants have become America’s Most Wanted.”  Dollars & Sense.  January/February 2009. 

Bensusan, Graciela.  “Norms, Practices and Perceptions: Labour Enforcement in Mexico’s Garment Industry.”  Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Mexico; September 2008.  www.maquilasolidarity.org .

Botz, Dan La. “Solidarity: The Only Effective Labor Policy.” NACLA Report on the Americas: Volume 42, No. 1. January/February 2009.

Carlsen, Laura. “Perils of Plan Mexico:  Going Beyond Security to Strengthen U.S.-Mexico Relations.”  Americas Program, Center for International Policy.  November 23, 2009.  http://americas.irc-online.org/am.

Centre for Reflection and Action on Labour Issues.  Labour Rights in a Time of Crisis.  Third Report on Working Conditions in the Mexican Electronics Industry, November 2009. www.sjsocial.org.

Comité Fronterizo de Obreros.  “Dialogue Defuses War of Nerves in the Maquiladoras.” August 20, 2007. www.cfomaquiladoras.org.

Engardio, Pete and Smith, Geri.  “Business is Standing its Ground.”  Business Week. April 20, 2009. www.businessweek.com.

Fainaru, Steve and Booth, William.  “Flores Drug Indictment Gives Clues to Mexican Cartel Networks in the U.S.”  The Washington Post,  December 30, 2009.

Faux, Jeff.  “So Far From God, So Close to Wall St.” The Nation. August 3/10, 2009.

Feltz, Renee.  “A New Migration Policy:  Producing Felons for Profit.” NACLA Report on the Americas:  Volume 41, No. 6.  November/December 2008.

Frontera NorteSur.  “Migrant Workers Lose Out in NAFTA Nations.”  National Council for La Raza. April 21, 2009.

Gallagher, Kevin P. and Wise, Timothy A.  Reforming North American Trade Policy :  Lessons from NAFTA. Americas Program Commentary, December 2, 2009. www.americaspolicy.org

Guskin, Jane and Wilson, David.  “A Grassroots Vision for U.S. Immigration Policy—and Beyond.” NACLA Report on the Americas: Volume 42, No. 1. January/February 2009.

Hausmann, Ricardo;  Austin, Emilio Lozoya; Mia, Irene.  The Mexico Competitiveness Report 2009.  World Economic Forum, Harvard University; 2009.

Hill, Jennifer.  Binational Guestworker Unions: Moving Guestworkers into the House of Labor. March 4, 2008.

Jusidan, Clara.  “Desigualdad y política social en México.” Nueva Sociedad N. 220; Marzo-Abril 2009. www.nuso.org.

La Botz, Dan.  “Mexican Electrical Workers Union Fights for Its Life.”  The Monthly Review,  MR Zine.  October 19, 2009. http://mrzine.monthlyreview.org.

Lacey, Marc. “Money Trickles North as Mexicans Help Relatives.” The New York Times. November 16, 2009.  www.nytimes.com/2009/11/16/.

Lovato, Roberto. “Building the Homeland Security State.”  NACLA Report on the Americas:  Volume 41, No. 6.  November/December 2008.

Malkin, Elisabeth.  “Nafta’s Promise, Unfulfilled.”  The New York Times.  March 24, 2009. www.nytimes.com.

Maquila Solidarity Network.  Freedom of Association in Mexico. July 2009.  www.maquilasolidarity.org.

Maquiladora Solidarity Network.  “Notes About the Crisis and Unemployment in Tijuana.” February 28, 2009.

Maquila Solidarity Network.  “The Crisis and its Effect on Mexico’s Textile and Apparel Industry.”  October 2009.  http://en.maquilasolidarity.org.

Maquila Solidarity Network.  “What Can Brands Do to Support Freedom of Association in Mexico?” June 2009.  www.maquilasolidarity.com.

Monsivais, Carlos.  “Mexico en 2009: la crisis, el narcotrafico, la derecha medieval, el retorno del PRI feudal, la nacion globalizada.”  Nueva Sociedad N. 220; Marzo-Abril 2009. www.nuso.org.

Moreno-Brid, Juan Carlos.  “La economia mexicana frente a la crisis internacional.” Nueva Sociedad N. 220; Marzo-Abril 2009. www.nuso.org.

Mychalejko, Cyril.  “U.S. Military Funded Mapping Project in Oaxaca.”  Z Magazine.  April 2009.

Narro, Victor.  ¡Sí Se Puede! Immigrant Workers and the Transformation of the Los Angeles Labor and Worker Center Movements.  2009.

Nathan, Debbie.  “Sending Love and Money: A Photo Essay on Mexican Migration.” New Labor Forum: Volume 18, Issue 2. Spring 2009.

Nevins, Joseph and Dunn, Timothy. “Barricading the Border.” NACLA Report on the Americas:  Volume 41, No. 6.  November/December 2008.

O’Neil, Shannon.  The Real War in Mexico: How Democracy Can Defeat the Drug Cartels. Foreign Affairs.  July/August 2009.

Otero, Gerardo and Pechlaner, Gabriela. “Is Biotechnology the Answer?  The Evidence from NAFTA.  NACLA Report on the Americas:  Volume 42, No. 3.  May/June 2009.

The Pardee Center Task Force on North American Trade Policy.  The Future of North American Trade Policy: Lessons From NAFTA. Boston University.Report No. 1, November 2009. www.carnegieendowment.org.

Paterson, Kent. “Mexico’s Other Crisis: Foreign Banks.” CorpWatch, May 15, 2009. www.corpwatch.org.

Perez, Ana Lilia.  Campeche Basin: Paradigm of Labour Exploitation. International Transport Workers’ Federation.  www.itf-americas.org.  Mexico 2009.

Peters, Enrique Dussel. Don’t Expect Apples From a Pear Tree:  Foreign Direct Investment and Innovation in Mexico.  Working Group on Development and Environment in the Americas,  Discussion Paper Number 28.  November 2009. http://ase.tufts.edu/gdae/WorkingGroup.htm.

Peters, Enrique Dussel. “El aparato productivo mexicano: Entre la crisis global y el caos de la politica nacional.” Nueva Sociedad N. 220; Marzo-Abril 2009. www.nuso.org.

Paterson, Kent. “The Crisis Slams Mexico.”  Americas Program Report;  February 24, 2009.  http://americas.irc-online.org/am/.

Rosen, Fred.  “The Immigrants: Do the Right Thing but Keep Your Head Down.” NACLA Report on the Americas: Volume 42, No. 1. January/February 2009.

Verite.  Advancing Women’s Rights and Social Responsibility: Capacity Building in Mexico.  Verite Works, August 2009. www.verite.org.

Vigna, Anne.  “Inside the Maquiladoras--Hell is the Tijuana Assembly Line.”  Counterpunch.  December 11-13, 2009. 

Villarreal, M. Angeles.  Mexico’s Free Trade Agreements.  Congressional Research Service. August 27, 2009. Www. Crs.gov.

Wilkinson, Tracy.  “Mexico Under Seige:  Women Play a Bigger Role in Mexico’s Drug War.”  The Los Angeles Times.  November 10, 2009. www.latimes.com/news/.

Wise, Timothy A.  Agricultural Dumping Under NAFTA:  Estimating the Costs of U.S.  Agricultural Policies to Mexican Producers.  Global Development and Environment Institute at Tufts University.  GDAE Working Paper No.  09-08, December 2009.  www.ase.tufts.edu/gdae/.

Zepeda, Eduardo; Wise, Timothy A.; Gallagher, Kevin P.  Lessons From Under NAFTA.  Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Policy Outlook, December 2009.  www.carnegieendowment.org.

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2009 Global Factory Reports

Arpi, Jean-Paul;  Feral, Maude;  Fischer, Helge.  Dole…Behind the Smoke-Screen..What Is New Since Our Report on the Company’s Plantations in Latin America in 2006? Peuple’s Solidaires, ActionAid, and Banafair. October 2009. www.iufdocuments.org.

Bacchetta, Marc; Ernst, Ekkehard; Bustamante, Juana P.  Globalization and Informal Jobs in Developing Countries.  International Labour Office and the Secretariat of the World Trade Organization.  2009.

Bacon, David.  “A Radical Vision for Today’s Labor Movement:  The Importance of Internationalism and Civil Rights.” Monthly Review: Vol. 60, No. 9.  February 2009.

BEST News.  “Lead Battery Industry Training Course, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.”  Occupational Knowledge International.  September 2009, Volume 4.

Boggs, Grace Lee.  “Detroit: City of Hope. Building a Sustainable Economy Out of the Ashes of Industry.”  In These Times.  February 2009.

Bush, Jason.  “Russia’s Factories Shift Gears.” Business Week.  May 18, 2009.

Business and Human Rights Resource Centre.  “Response to Women Exploiting Women NLC Report:  Kellwood Briggs and Nicotex.” March 2009.  www.business-humanrights.org.

Bybee, Roger.  “Auto Task Force Outsources Jobs.”  In These Times.  July 2009.

Bybee, Roger.  “Corporate America’s Counter-Stimulus Strategy:  Firms Decide to Shut Profitable Plants While Spurning Buyers.” Dollars & Sense.  May/June 2009.

Bybee, Roger.  “Is U.S. Labor Prepared to Fight?” Z Magazine.  June 2009.

Bybee, Roger.  “Lessons from the Big Auto Bailout:  Big Finance Counts, Labor Rights Don’t.”  Z Magazine.  April 2009. 

Bybee, Roger.  “Pulp Friction.” In These Times.  January 2009.

Byrnes, Nanette.  “The Factory That Refused to Die.”  Business Week.  August 3, 2009. 

Centre for Corporate Accountability (Bangladesh).  Obtaining Compensation for Workplace Death and Injury in Bangladesh.  June 7, 2009. www.business-humanrights.org.

Centre for Corporate Accountability (Bangladesh).  Workplace Deaths in the Industrial, Service and Agricultural Sectors of Bangladesh, 2008.  May 17, 2009. www.business-humanrights.org.

Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations (SOMO).  Computer Connections;  Supply Chain Policies and Practices of Seven Computer Companies.  May 2009.  www.somo.nl.

Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations (SOMO) and the Philippine Workers’ Assistance Center (WAC). Configuring Labour Rights; Labour Conditions in the Production of Computer Parts in the Philippines. July 2009. www.somo.nl

Citizen’s Research Collective on SEZ.  The Public Price of Success; The Costs of Nokia Telecom SEZ in Chennai for the Government and Workers.  June 2009.   http://icrindia.org. 

Claeson, Bjorn Skorpen.  Subsidizing Sweatshops II:  How Our Tax Dollars Can Foster Worker Rights and Economic Recovery Rather Than Fuel the Race to the Bottom.  SweatFree Communities.  April 2009. www.sweatfree.org.

Claeson, Bjorn and Dirnbach, Eric.  Making City Hall Sweat:  Using Procurement Power for Worker Rights. New Labor Forum: Volume 18, Issue 1. Winter 2009.

Clean Clothes Campaign.  Cashing In: Giant Retailers, Purchasing Practices, and Working Conditions in the Garment Industry. 2009. www.cleanclothes.org.

Crotty, Ann. “De Beers Slammed on Botswana Mines.  Business Report 2009.  September 24, 2009. www.busrep.co.za.

The Daily Star.  “Victory for Safe Jobs and the Environment:  High Court Halts Deadly Shipbreaking on the Beaches of Bangladesh.” March 17, 2009.   www.shipbreakingplatform.com.

De Haan, Esther and Schipper, Irene.  Configuring Labour Rights: Labour Conditions in the Production of Computer Parts in the Philippines.  SOMO, makeITfair.  July 2009.

De Haan, Esther and Schipper, Irene. Computer Connections: Supply Chain Policies and Practices of Seven Computer Companies. SOMO Paper.  May 2009. www.soo.nl.

Embassy of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.  “For Immediate Release:  Musa Garments and Allegations of the National Labor Committee Response of the Ministry of Labour, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.”  August 7, 2009. www.business-humanrights.org.

Feeley, Diane.  “On the Road to Ruin: Bailing Out Banks, Smashing Unions.” Against the Current, 138. January/February 2009. 

Feeley, Diane. “Saving Corporations, Sacrificing Workers.” Against the Current, 140.  May/June 2009. 

Global Action on ArcelorMittal.  ArcelorMittal:  Going Nowhere Slowly. May 12, 2009.  www.business-humanrights.org.

GoodElectronics Pauline Overeem & CSR Platform (MVO Platform).   Reset. Corporate Social Responsibility in the Global Electronics Supply Chain: Occupational Health and Safety.  October 2009.

Hamm, Steve and Herbst, Moira.  America’s High-Tech Sweat Shops:  How U.S. Companies May Contribute Unwittingly to the Exploitation of Foreign Workers. BusinessWeek. October 12, 2009.

Hazards Magazine. “Dangerous Leads.” Hazards Special Report, Summer 2009. http://www.hazards.org/lead/.

Hazards Magazine. “While You Were Sleeping.” Hazards Special Report, Summer 2009. http://www.hazards.org/lead/.

Hindery Jr.,  Leo and Gerard, Leo W. “Our Jobless Recovery.” The Nation.  July 13, 2009.

Human Rights Watch. United Arab Emirates—“The Island of Happiness”: Exploitation of Migrant Workers on Saadiyat Island, Abu Dhabi. May2009. www.hrw.org.

International Federation for Human Rights.  Childbreaking Yards: Child Labour in the Ship Recycling Industry in Bangladesh. 2009.

International Labor Rights Forum.  Firestone and Violations of Core Labor Rights in Liberia.  July 24, 2009.  www.laborrights.org

International Labor Rights Forum. We Live Subject to Their Orders: A Three-Province Survey of Forced Child Labor in Uzbekistan’s 2008 Cotton Harvest.  June 4, 2009. www.business-humanrights.org.

International Labor Rights Forum. Working for Scrooge: Worst Companies of 2009 for the Right to Associate. December 10, 2009.  www.laborrights.org

Jacobs, Ken.  A Tale of Two Tiers: Dividing Workers in the Age of Neoliberalism. New Labor Forum: Volume 18, Issue 1. Winter 2009.

Jacoby, Sanford M. “The Wreckage of U.S. Auto:  Who Was Behind the Wheel?” New Labor Forum: Volume 18, Issue 2. Spring 2009.

Kazan-Allen, Laurie. Asian Asbestos Conference 2009. Report by the International Ban Asbestos Secretariat. www.ibasecretariat.org

Kernaghan, Charles. Is a Bargain on a Pair of Jeans Worth a Young Woman’s Life?  President Obama Thinks Not. The National Labor Committee. May 14, 2009. www.nlcnet.org.

Kernaghan, Charles. U.S.-Jordan Free Trade Agreement Stumbles: Human Trafficking, Abuse, Forced Overtime, Primitive Dorm Conditions, Imprisonment and Forcible Deportations of Foreign Guest Workers At the Muse Factory in Jordan. The National Labor Committee. July 24, 2009. www.nlcnet.org.

Latter, Ananya. The Struggle for Permanent Work in Thailand.  Metal World.  International Metal Worker’s Foundation.  September 2009. www.imfmetal.org

makeITfair.  Out of Control—E-waste Trade Flows From the EU to Developing Countries.  April 17, 2009. www.business-humanrights.org

makeITfair & GoodElectronics.  Improving Labour Standards in the Global Electronics Industry: Defining Strategies That Work.  Round Table for the Electronics Industry and Civil Society Organisations Report.  May 7-8, 2009.

MapleCroft.  Middle East Human Rights Briefing.  September 21, 2009.  www.maplecroft.com.

Maquila Solidarity Network. How will the global financial crisis affect
the garment industry and garment workers? February 2008. www.laborrights.org.

Maquila Solidarity Network.  The apparel industry and the economic crisis: what is happening in the Americas?  MFA Forum Americas Working Group session. April 24, 2009. http://en.maquilasolidarity.org.

Maquila Solidarity Network. The Crisis and Garment Production in Central America. March 2009.

McGregor, Jena.  “Cutting Salaries Instead of Jobs.”  Business Week. June 8, 2009.

Merk, Jeroen.  Stitching a Decent Wage Across Borders:  The Asia Floor Wage Proposal 2009. Clean Clothes Campaign, Asia Floor Wage Alliance. 2009. www.asiafloorwage.org.   

Moberg, David.  “Making the Feds Model Employers.”  In These Times. January 2009.

National Labor Committee.  High Tech Misery in China: The Dehumanization of Young Workers Producing Our Computer Keyboards. February 2009. www.nlc.net.

The National Labor Committee. “Metro Group Linked to Horrific Sweatshop Conditions in Bangladesh.”  May 2009. www.business-humanrights.org.

The National Labor Committee.  “NLC’s Response to Recent Jordanian Ministry of Labor Report on the Musa Factory.”  August 13, 2009.  www.nlcnet.org

The National Labor Committee. “NLC Urges Metro Not to Cut and Run.”  May 2009. www.business-humanrights.org.

The National Labor Committee.  “Update: R.L. Denim Workers Report Much Better Treatment—Bangladesh Update:  Victory at R.L. Denim.”  August 10, 2009.  www.nlicnet.org.

The National Labor Committee  and the Center for Studies and Support for Local Development.  “Update—Firings and Threats at the Nicotex Factory.” March 14, 2009. www.nlcnet.org.

The National Labor Committee.  Where Ships and Workers Go to Die:  Shipbreaking in Bangladesh & The Failure of Global Institutions to Protect Worker Rights. September 2009. www.nlcnet.org

The National Labor Committee and the Center for Studies and Support for Local Development.  “Women Exploiting Women—Women in the U.S. Are Purchasing Clothing Sewn by Women Who Are Exploited in Guatemala.” February 25, 2009. www.nlcnet.org.

Oxfam Hong Kong. Transparency Report II:  Have Hong Kong Garment Companies Improved Their Reporting on Labour Standards? March 2009.

Park, Jungsun; Hisanaga, Naomi; Kim, Yangho. Transfer of Occupational Health Problems From a Developed to a Developing Country: Lessons From the Japan-South Korea Experience.  American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 52:625-632. 2009.

Parry, Simon;  Herbet, Dominic.  “Sweat-shop Labourers Paid Just £2 a Day to Churn Out £49 England Kit.”  News of the World. www.notw.co.uk.  14/06/2009.

Plank, Leonard; Staritz, Cornelia; Lukas, Karin.  Labor Rights in Global Production Networks;  An Analysis of the Apparel and Electronics Sector in Romania.  June 2009.  www.goodelectronics.org.

Poyhonen, P. Legal and Illegal Blured: Update on Tin Production for Consumer Electronics in Indonesia. FinnWatch. June 2009.  www.somo.nl.

Rosenfeld, Herman. The North American Auto Industry in Crisis. Monthly Review:  Vol. 61, No. 3. July-August 2009.

SACOM and WEED.  “Fujitsu Siemens Computers Does Not Take Responsibility for Labor Rights Violations in Their Supply Chain in China.”  April 1, 2009.  www.business-humanrights.org.

Sepúlveda, Omaira Paez. 2008 Report on the Colombian Flower Sector: Labor Conditions and the Crisis in the Sector.  Cactus Corporation.  January 1, 2009. www.laborrights.org.

Schipper, Irene and de Hann, Esther. Configuring Labour Rights: Labour Conditions in the Production of Computer Parts in the Philippines.  SOMO and makeITfair. July 2009. goodelectronics.org.

Singh, Suhasini.  Richer Bosses, Poorer Workers: Bangalore’s Garment Industry.  CIVIDEP & SOMO. July 2009.

SOMO. “Contract Labour in the Electronics Sector Around the World.”  2009.

SOMO.  Philips Electronics—Overview of Controversial Business Practices in 2008.  April 2009.  www.business-humanrights.org.

Swanepoel, Esmarie.  “De Beers Concerned Over “Distorted” Bench Marks Foundation Report.”  Mining Weekly. September 23, 2009.  www.miningweekly.com.

U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of International Labor Affairs.  2008 Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor. Report Required by the Trade and Development Act of 2000. 2009.

The United States Department of Labor; Bureau of International Labor Affairs; Office of Child Labor, Forced Labor, and Human Trafficking.  The Department of Labor’s List of Goods Produced By Child Labor or Forced Labor.  Report Required by the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Acts of 2005 and 2008.  2009. 

Van Huijstee, Mariette; De Haan, Esther; Poyhonen, Paivi; Heydenreich; Riddselius, Christopher.  Fair Phones:  It’s Your Call—How European Mobile Network Operators Can Improve Responsibility for Their Supply Chain.  SOMO, makeITfair.  September 2009.

Van Wyk, David.  Corporate Social Responsibility in the Diamond Mining Industry in Botswana.  Policy Gap 5:  SADC Research Report; Bench Marks Foundation.  2009.  www.bench-marks.org-za.

Vlasblom, Annelies.  Corporate Geography, Labour Conditions and Environmental Standards in the Mobile Manufacturing Industry in India.  CIVIDEP and SOMO.  September 2009.

Weiler-Park, Dana.  “Despite Jordan Denial, Workers Insist Israel-Owned Factory Was Sweatshop.”  Haaretz Magazine.  January 1, 2009.  www.haaretz.com.

Weiler-Polak, Dana.  “Report:  Israeli Businessmen Running Sweatshop in Jordan.”  Haaretz Magazine.  October 8, 2009.  www.haaretz.com.

Werner, Marion & Bair, Jennifer.  After Sweatshops?  Apparel Politics in the Circum-Carribean. NACLA Report on the Americas.  July/August 2009.

Yates, Michael D. “Why Unions Still Matter.”  Monthly Review: Vol. 60, No. 9.  February 2009.

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2009 Global Development & Poverty

Abramson, Evan. “Soy: A Hunger for Land.” NACLA Report on the Americas:  Volume 42, No. 3.  May/June 2009.

ActionAid, Christian Aid, Third World Network Africa, Tax Justice Network Africa and Southern Africa Resource Watch.  Breaking the Curse: How Transparent Taxation and Fair Taxes can Turn Africa’s Mineral Wealth into Development. March 2009.  http://www.actionaid.org/docs/breaking%20the%20curse%20full%20report...pdf.

Akyuz, Yilmaz. The Management of Capital Flows and Financial Vulnerability in Asia. Third World Network Global Economy Series 17.  March 2009. www.twnside.org.sg.

Alexander, Lindsay; Gündüz, Canan;  Subedi, DB. What role for business in “post-conflict” economic recovery? Perspectives from Nepal. International Alert. March 2009.  www.international-alert.org.

Altieri, Miguel A.  Agroecology, Small Farms, and Food Sovereignty. Monthly Review:  Vol. 61, No. 3. July-August 2009.

Altman, Roger C.  Globalization in Retreat: Further Geopolitical Consequences of the Financial Crisis. Foreign Affairs.  July/August 2009.   

Altman, Roger C.  The Great Crash, 2008:  A Geopolitical Setback for the West. Foreign Affairs.  January/February 2009. 

Amin, Samir.  “Nepal, a Promising Revolutionary Advance.” Monthly Review: Vol. 60, No. 9.  February 2009.

Amnesty International.  Demand Dignity: Human Rights=Less Poverty. May 2009. www.amnesty.org.

Amnesty International.  Nigeria: Petroleum, Pollution and Poverty in the Niger Delta. 2009. http://amnesty.org/.

Asia Floor Wage Campaign and Clean Clothes Campaign.  “Campaign for Living Wages in the Garment Production Supply Chains.”  September 2009. http://goodelectronics.org/.

Asia Monitor Resource Centre.  Gender and the Labour Movement.  Asia Labor Update,  Issue No. 71. April-June 2009. www.amrc.org.hk.

Asia Monitor Resource Centre. Organizing for Change: Lessons and Strategies from Below. March 9-11, 2009.  www.amrc.org.hk.

Asia Monitor Resource Centre.  Rights for Two-Thirds of Asia:  Asian Labour Law Review 2008. Asian Labour Update 36.  October-December 2008.  www.amrc.org.hk/booksale.

Asia Monitor Resource Centre. The Labour Movement and Politics.  Asia Monitor Update, Issue No.  70.  January-March 2009.  www.amrc.org.hk.

Athreya, Bama. “Request for Comments Concerning the Free Trade Agreement With the Republic of Colombia, Docket # USTR-2009-0021.”  International Labor Rights Forum, September 15, 2009.  http://www.laborrights.org.

Balfour, Frederik.  “The Surprising Strength of Southeast China.  Business Week.  June 8, 2009.

Barenberg,  Mark.  Sustaining Workers’ Bargaining Power in an Age of Globalization:  Institutions for the Meaningful Enforcement of International Labor Rights.  Economic Policy Institute, Briefing Paper # 246.  October 9, 2009.  www.epi.org.

Basel Action Network (BAN).  The EarthECycle Pittsburgh “Recycling” Scam. May 2009.  www.ban.org.

Becker, Marc.  “Snubbing Davos: The Presidents at the World Social Forum.” NACLA Report on the Americas:  Volume 42, No. 3.  May/June 2009.

Bello, Walden.  The Virtues of Deglobalization.  Globalization Monitor, Foreign Policy in Focus.  September 3, 2009.  www.globalmon.org.hk/.

Bello, Walden. “U-20: Will the Global Economy Resurface?”  Foreign Policy in Focus. March 30, 2009.  www.fpif.org.

Bello, Walden and Baviera, Mara. Food Wars. Focus on the Global South. July 8, 2009.  www.focusweb.org.

Bello, Walden and George, Susan.  “A New, Green, Democratic Deal.”  New Internationalist. January/February 2009.

Benchmarks Foundation for Social Corporate Responsibility. Shoprite in Malawi, Swaziland and Zambia.  April 1, 2009. www.business-humanrights.org.

Bernabe, Rafael.  “The Battle for Puerto Rico’s Labor Movement:  Teacher’s Union Repels SEIU Raid.”  Against the Current, 139.  March/April 2009.

Bertini, Catherine and Glickman, Dan.  Farm Futures: Bringing Agricultures Back to U.S. Foreign Policy.  Foreign Affairs. May/June 2009.

Bhandari, Ravi and Linghorn, Alex. “Reforming Land Reform: Nepal’s land-rights movement moves beyond failed market-based approaches.”  Dollars & Sense.  July/August 2009. 

Bonfiglio, Olga. “Urban Agriculture and Social Justice.”  Z Magazine.  June 2009.

Bonilla, Yarimar.  “Guadeloupe on Strike:A New Political Chapter in the French Antilles.”  NACLA Report on the Americas:  Volume 42, No. 3.  May/June 2009.

Braxton, Nick. PACER Plus and its Alternatives: Which way for trade and development in the Pacific? Oxfam Australia and Oxfam New Zealand, July 2009. www.oxfam.org.au.

Bremmer, Ian.  State Capitalism Comes of Age:  The End of the Free Market? Foreign Affairs.  May/June 2009.

Brenner, Robert.  “The Economy in a World of Trouble.”  Against the Current, 139.  March/April 2009.  

Bryceson, Deborah Fahy. “Sub-Saharan Africa’s Vanishing Peasantries and the Specter of a Global Food Crisis.” Monthly Review:  Vol. 61, No. 3. July-August 2009.

Burbach, Roger. “Treating Bolivia as a Sovereign Partner.” NACLA Report on the Americas: Volume 42, No. 1. January/February 2009.

Cahill, Damien. “The End of Neoliberalism.”  Z Magazine.  January 2009.

Chandrasekhar, CP. Financial Liberalization and the New Dynamics Growth in India. Third World Network Global Economy Series 13. January 2009. http://twnside.org.sg.

China Labour Watch.  KKR Reaps Profits From Sweatshop Labor:  Illegal Conditions at Four Dollar General Supplier Factories. December 2009.  www.chinalaborwatch.org.

Chossudovsky, Michel.  The Globalization of Poverty and the New World Order.  Global Research.  July 29, 2009. 

Ciccaglione, Bruno.  Free Trade and Trade Union of the Americas:  Strategies, Practices, Struggles, Achievements. Global Labor Strategies, Ak Wien (Chamber of Labour for Vienna, Austria).  September 2009.

Coghlan, Matthew.  Getting Back on the Rails:  The Private Sector and Development. Christian Aid. October 2009.  www.christianaid.org.uk.

Cosar, Simten and Yegenoglu, Metin.  The Neoliberal Restructing of Turkey’s Social Security System. Monthly Review: Vol. 60, No. 11. April 2009.

Crossing the Line. Documentary.  www.crossingtheline.info.

Dadush, Uri.  WTO Reform: The Time to Start Is Now.  Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Policy Brief 80.  September 2009.  www.carnegieendowment.org/pubs.

Dangl, Benjamin. “Latin America Breaks Free.”  The Progressive. February 2009.

Desmarais, Annette Aurelie and Navarro, Luis Hernandez.  “Voices From Maputo: La Via Campesina Fifth International Conference.” NACLA Report on the Americas:  Volume 42, No. 3.  May/June 2009.

Donaghy, Rita. One Death is Too Many: Inquiry Into the Underlying Causes of Construction Fatal Accidents.  Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, July 2009. www.nce.co.uk.  

Drum, Kevin.  “Trading Up:  How Obama Can Fix the Climate, Raise Billions for Clean Tech, and Send You a Fat Check.”  Mother Jones.  March/ April 2009.

Ellner, Steve.  “A New Model With Rough Edges:  Venezuela’s Community Councils.”  NACLA Report on the Americas:  Volume 42, No. 3.  May/June 2009.

The Enough Project. A Comprehensive Approach to Congo’s Conflict Minerals. 2009. www.enoughproject.org.

European Environment Agency.  Waste Without Borders in the EU?  Transboundary Shipments of Waste.  EEA Report No 1. March 2009.  www.eea.europa.eu.

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Ghilarducci, Teresa.  “The Goldless Years:  How to Save the Nation’s Retirees from Bankruptcy.” New Labor Forum: Volume 18, Issue 2. Spring 2009.

Gill, Lesley; Grandin, Greg; Poole, Deborah; Weisbrot, Mark.  “Progressive Policy for the Americas? A NACLA Roundtable.”  NACLA Report on the Americas: Volume 42, No. 1. January/February 2009.

Global Witness.  “Faced With a Gun, What Can You Do?” War and the Militarisation of Mining in Eastern Congo.  July 2009.

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Goldstein, Dana.  “Pink-Collar Blues:  Does the Recession Provide an Opportunity to Remedy Occupational Gender Segregation?”  The American Prospect. June 2009.

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Habel, Janette.  “A New Model of Socialism?  Cuba in Search of Renovation.” Against the Current, 141. July/August 2009.

Heinberg, Richard.  Searching for a Miracle:  “Net Energy” Limits & the Fate of Industrial Society.  The Conservation Imperative:  International Forum on Globalization and the Post Carbon Institute.  False Solution Series #4, September 2009.  http://www.ifg.org/pdf/Searching%20for%20a%20Miracle_web10nov09.pdf.

Heintz, James. “The Grim State of the States: The Fiscal Crisis Facing State and Local Governments.” New Labor Forum: Volume 18, Issue 2. Spring 2009.

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Holland, Joshua. “The Spectacular, Sudden Crash of the Global Economy.”  Alternet, February 27, 2009. www.alternet.org.

Holleman, Hannah;  McChesney, Robert W.; Foster, John Bellamy; Jonna, R. Jamil.  The Penal State in an Age of Crisis. Monthly Review:  Volume 61, No. 2. June 2009.

Holt-Giménez, Eric. From Food Crisis to Food Sovereignty: The Challenge of Social Movements. Monthly Review:  Vol. 61, No. 3. July-August 2009.

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Howard, April. Saying No to Soy: The Campesino Struggle for Sustainable Agriculture in Paraguay.  Monthly Review:  Vol. 61, No. 3. July-August 2009.

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Human Rights Watch.  "Are You Happy to Cheat Us?" Exploitation of Migrant Construction Workers in Russia.  February 10, 2009. www.hrw.org.

Human Rights Watch.  Diamonds in the Rough: Human Rights Abuses in the Marange Diamond Fields of Zimbabwe. June 26, 2009. www.hrw.org.

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International Labor Organization. Globalization and Informal Jobs in Developing Countries: A Joint Study of the International Labor Office and the Secretariat of the World Trade Organization. 2009. www.ilo.org

International Labor Organization. Fighting Forced Labour: The Example of Brazil. 2009. www.ilo.org

International Labor Organization. Cooperating Out of Poverty: The Renaissance of the African Cooperative Movement. 2009. www/ilo/org

International Labor Rights Forum.  Precarious Work: How Temporary Jobs and Subcontracting Undermine Women, Migrants and All Workers’ Rights to Decent Work Worldwide.  July 7, 2009. http://www.laborrights.org/end-violence-against-trade-unions/resources/10827.

International Labor Rights Forum.  Labor Considerations Regarding the US-Colombia Free-Trade Agreement.  May 12, 2009. www.laborrights.org.

International Labor Rights Forum.  Precarious Work: How Temporary Jobs and Subcontracting Undermines Women, Migrants and Workers’ Rights to Decent Work.  July 7, 2009. www.laborrights.org.

International Monetary Fund.  The Implications of the Global Financial Crisis for Low-Income Countries. March 2009.

International Trade Union Confederation.  Internationally Recognised Core Labour Standards in Guatemala: Report for the WTO General Council Review of the Trade Policies of Guatemala.  February 2-4, 2009.

International Trade Union Confederation.  Internationally Recognised Core Labour Standards in Guyana: Report for the WTO General Council Review of the Trade Policies of Guyana.  July 8-10, 2009.

International Trade Union Confederation. ITUC Report--A Recipe for Hunger: How the World is Falling on Food. 2009. www.ituc-csi.org

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International Trade Union Confederation. Trade Unions and Climate Change:  Equity, Justice & Solidarity in the Fight Against Climate Change. 2009. www.ituc-csi.org

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Jensen, Derrick.  “Forget Shorter Showers:  Why Personal Change Does Not Equal Political Change.”  Orion Magazine.  July/August 2009.  www.orionmagazine.org.

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Kapstein, Ethan B.  Africa’s Capitalist Revolution:  Preserving Growth in a Time of Crisis.  Foreign Affairs.  July/August 2009. 

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Klein, Brian P. and Cukier, Kenneth Neil.  Tamed Tigers, Distressed Dragon. Foreign Affairs.  July/August 2009.

Knoepfel, Ivo and Hagart, Gordon. Future proof? Embedding environmental, social and governance issues in investment markets.  IFC, Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, UN Global Compact.  January 30, 2009. 

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Kramer, William.  Turning the Tables: Sustainable Solutions to the Global Food Crisis. New Labor Forum: Volume 18, Issue 1. Winter 2009.

Lebowitz, Michael A. “The Path to Human Development: Capitalism or Socialism?” Monthly Review: Vol. 60, No. 9.  February 2009.

Leech, Garry.  “The Oil Palm Industry:  A Blight on Afro-Colombia.”  NACLA Report on the Americas:  Volume 42, No. 4.  July/August 2009.

MacEwan Arthur.  “Inequality, Power, and Ideology:  Getting It Right About the Causes of the Current Economic Crisis.”  Dollars & Sense.  March/April 2009.

Madsen, Robert.  “Comparing Crises:  Is the Current Economic Collapse Like Japan’s in the 1990s?”  Foreign Affairs. July/August 2009. 

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Magdoff, Fred and Tokar, Brian. “Agriculture and Food in Crisis: An Overview.”  Monthly Review:  Vol. 61, No. 3. July-August 2009.

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McMartin, Joseph A. Building the Interfaith  Worker Justice Movement:  Kim Bobo’s Story.  Labor:  Volume 6, No. 1. Spring 2009. 

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Murphy, Laura. An “Indestructible Right”:  John Ryan and the Catholic Origins of the U.S. Living Wage Movement, 1906-1938. Labor:  Volume 6, No. 1.  Spring 2009.

Murphy, Sofia. Free Trade in Agriculture: A Bad Idea Whose Time is Done. Monthly Review:  Vol. 61, No. 3. July-August 2009.

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2009 Codes of Conduct

Aaronson, Susan Ariel. Corporate Strategy and Inadequate Governance: The Pitfalls of CSR.  Business & Development Discussion Papers,  Paper No. 11.  World Bank Institute.  Summer 2009.

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Alliance Boots.  2008/2009 Corporate Social Responsibility Report.  November 2009. www.allianceboots.com.

American Apparel & Footwear Association.  “Restricted Substances List.”  Release 5. August 2009.  www.apparelandfootwear.org.

Anderson, Mitch; Finer, Matt; Herriges, Dan; Miller, Andrew; Soltani, Atossa. ConocoPhillips in the Peruvian Amazon. Amazon Watch, Save America's Forests. May 2009. www.business-humanrights.org.

Apple Inc. Supplier Responsibility 2009 Progress Report.  2009.  www.apple.com/supplierresponsibility/.

ArcelorMittal.  “ArcelorMittal’s response to the report “ArcelorMittal: Going nowhere slowly” by Global Action on ArcelorMittal.”  May 22, 2009.  www.business-humanrights.org.

Arpi, Jean-Paul;  Feral, Maude;  Fischer, Helge.  Dole…Behind the Smoke-Screen..What Is New Since Our Report on the Company’s Plantations in Latin America in 2006? Peuple’s Solidaires, ActionAid, and Banafair. October 2009. www.iufdocuments.org.

Ascoli, Kimberly & Benzaken, Tamar.  Public Policy and the Promotion of Global Corporate Responsibility. BSR, August 2009.  www.bsr.org.

Aston, Adam.  “Why Should Landlords Save the Earth?  Commercial building owners may get in the way of cities’ eco-friendly ambitions.”  Business Week.  May 18, 2009.

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Bader, Christine.  “How Does Business Value Human Rights?” Qn: Yale School of Management. 2009.

Baker, Mallen.  “Columnists:  CSR: So What Did We Learn in 2008 That We Can Use in 2009?  Ethical Corporation. January 7, 2009.

Baker, Mallen.  “What Companies Tell the Global Compact They Are Doing.”  Ethical Corporation, April 23, 2009. www.ethicalcorp.com.

Ballinger, Jeff.  “Feel Good Rhetoric and Sweatshop Realities:  Helping Dictators Look Good.”  Counterpunch, December 3, 2009.  www.counterpunch.org.

Ballinger, Jeff.  The Threat Posed by “Corporate Social Responsibility” to Trade Union Rights. November 2009.

Barclay’s.  Sustainability Report 2008. April 2009.  http://group.barclays.com/Sustainability

Beer Selling Industry Cambodia. Compliance to and Impact of the BSIC Code of Conduct: Monitory Survey 2009.  May 24, 2009.  www.business-humanrights.org.

Bensusan, Graciela.  Norms, Practices and Perceptions: Labour Enforcement in Mexico’s Garment Industry. UAM-X, September 2008.

Bernhardt, Annette;  Milkman, Ruth; Theodore, Nik;  Heckathorn, Douglas; Auer, Mirabai;  DeFilippis, James;  Gonzalez, Ana Luz; Narro, Victor;  Perelshteyn, Jason; Polson, Diana;  Spillner, Michael.  Broken Laws, Unprotected Workers—Violations of Employment and Labor Laws in America’s Cities.  2009.

Berry, Wendell.  “Being Kind to the Land.”  The Progressive.  February 2009.

Bernstein, Aaron. Quantifying Labor and Human Rights Portfolio Risk. Capital Matters: No. 4.  Harvard Law School Pensions and Capital Stewardship Project.  June 2009. http://www.law.harvard.edu/.

Bernstein, Aaron and Greenwald, Christopher.  Benchmarking Corporate Policies on Labor and Human Rights in Global Supply Chains.  Capital Matters,  Occasional Paper Series, No. 5.  Labor and Worklife Program, Harvard Law School, Investor Responsibility Research Center Institute, ASSET4.  November 2009.

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Brown-Forman.  On Being Responsible: Our Thinking About Drinking—2009/2010 Corporate Responsibility  Summary Report. August 2009.  www.brown-forman.com/_down/BF_CRR_2009.pdf.

BT.  Chainging World, Sustained Values: Sustainability Report 2009. May 2009. www.btplc.com/Societyandenvironment/.

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Peek, Bobby; Sadykova, Dana; Urbaniak, Darek; Urbianiak; Haverkamp, Jan; Srytr, Jan; Gallop, Pippa; Dubey, Sunita.  ArcelorMittal:  Going Nowhere Slowly—A Review of the Global Steel Giant’s Environmental and Social Impacts in 2008-2009.  “Extractive Industries: Blessing or Curse?” Project by Friends of the Earth Europe, Friends of the Earth France, Friends of the Earth Netherlands, CEE Bankwatch Network, Global Action on ArcelorMittal.  May 1, 2009. http://bankwatch.org.

Petkoski, Djordjija;  Jarvis, Michael; Brady, Cecilia.  From Corporate Philanthropy to Strategic Partnerships: The Potential of Inclusive and Sustainable Business Models in Mena.  International Conference on “The Role of the Private Sector in Development: Assessment and Prospects,” Arab Planning Institute.  March 23-25, 2009. www.arab-api.org.

Pillay, Navanethem Pillay.  “OHCHR Consultation on Business and Human Rights.”  Opening Statements.  October 5, 2009. www.business-humanrights.org.

Pillay, Navanethem. “The Corporate Responsibility to Respect: A Human Rights Milestone.”  Annual Labour and Social Policy Review. 2009.

Pohle, George and Hittner, Jeff. Attaining Sustainable Growth Through Corporate Social Responsibility.  IBMInstitute for Business Value. 2008.

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Project Kaleidoscope.  A Collaborative and Dynamic Approach to Code of Conduct Compliance.  Final Report, Project Kaleidoscope Working Group.  March 2008.

Prospect.  Corporate Social Responsibility:  Negotiator’s Guide.  October 2008.  www.prospect.org.uk.

Public Citizen. Home Court Advantage: How the Building Industry Uses Forced Arbitration to Evade Arbitration.  May 20, 2009. www.fairarbitrationnow.org.

Public Citizen. New Report: Panama FTA Would Undermine U.S. Efforts to Stop Offshore Tax-Haven Abuse and Regulate Risky Financial Conduct.  April 29, 2009. www.citizen.org/.

Puma. Sustainability Report 2007/2008.  PumaVision.  August 2009. http://safe.puma.com/us/en/.

Rees,  Caroline.  Report of International Roundtable on Conflict Management and Corporate Culture in the Mining Industry:  A Report of an International Roundtable.  CSRI Report No. 37.  August 2009.  www.hks.harvard.edu/m-rcbg/CSRI/pub_reports.html.

Rees, Catherine.  Rights-Compatible Grievance Mechanisms: A Guidance Tool for Companies and Their Stakeholders.  Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative:  John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University.  January 2008.  www.hks.harvard.edu/m-rcbg/CSRI/.

Rees, Caroline.  Worker Participation and Engagement: The Key to Long-Term Improvements in Labor Rights Implementation.  Fair Labor Association Guest Article; 2007/2008 Annual Report.  www.hks.harvard.edu/m-rcbg/CSRI/pub_reports.html.

Rees, Caroline and Vermijs, David.  Mapping Grievance Mechanisms in the Business and Human Rights Arena.  Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative:  John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University.  January 2008.  www.hks.harvard.edu/m-rcbg/CSRI/.

Research & Policy Committee of Committee for Economic Development.  Rebuilding Corporate Leadership: How Directors Can Link Long-Term Performance with Public Goals. February 2009. www.ced.org.

Riddleberger, Eric and Hittner, Jeff.  Corporate Social Responsibility:  Much More Talk Than Action.  IBM Leadership. July 1, 2009.  www.ibm.com/gbs/csrstudy.

Riddleberger, Eric and Hittner, Jeffrey. Leading a Sustainable Enterprise: Leveraging Insight and Information to Act. IBM Institute for Business Value. 2009.

Royal Bank of Scotland Group.  Sustainability Report 2008.  July 2009. www.rbs.com/microsites/sustainability-report-2008.

Royal Dutch Shell. Responsible Energy: Sustainability Report.  May 2009. http://www.shell.com/home/content/responsible_energy/.

Ruggie, John. “Prepared Remarks—Check Against Delivery.”  Presentation of Report to United Nations Human Rights Council.  June 2, 2009www.business-humanrights.org.

Ruggie, John.  “Opening remarks by John Ruggie to UN Consultation on Operationalizing the Framework for Business and Human Rights Presented by the Special Representative.”  Palais des Nations, Geneva 5-6 October 2009. October 5, 2009. www.business-humanrights.org.

Ruggie, John. Just Business: Why Companies Must Pay Attention to Human Rights. Keynote Address,Canadian Business for Social Responsibility. November 5, 2009. 

Russell, John. “Strategy and Management: Primark—Cheap and Cheerful at an Ethical Cost?”  Ethical Corporation. March 2, 2009.  www.ethicalcorporation.com

RWE. RWE npower—With Power Comes Responsibility, Corporate Responsibility Report. May 2009.  http://www.npower.com/rwenpowercr/index.html.

Sainsbury’s.  140 Years of Making a Difference: Corporate Responsibility Report 2009. July 2009.  www.j-sainsbury.co.uk/cr/.

Schmitt, Mark.  “5 Ways of Looking at Risk.”  The American Prospect.  May 2009.

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The Seattle Times. “Tough Choice: shoes, or morals?” February 1, 2009.

SEGRO. Sustainability=Value:  Sustainability Report 2008.  April 2009. http://2007cr.segro.com/sustainability08/index.aspx.

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Sherman, John. Embedding Rights Compatible Grievance Processes for External Stakeholders Within Business Culture.  CSRI Report No. 36.  www.hks.harvard.edu/m-rcbg/CSRI/pub_reports.html.

Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition. Towards a Just and Sustainable Solar Energy Industry. White Paper, January 14, 2009.

BSkyB.  The Bigger Picture: Review 2009. September 2009.  http://www1.sky.com/biggerpicturereview/.

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The Solidarity Center.  Justice for All:  The Struggle for Worker Rights in Guatemala. November 2008.  www.solidaritycenter.org.

SOMO.  Corporate Geography, Labour Conditions and Environmental Standards in the Mobile Manufacturing Industry in India. Cividep, September 2009. http://somo.nl/publications-en/Publication_3218/.

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South Asia Forum on Responsible Business.  Frame of Reference for Responsible Business in South Asia.  Version 1-08, June 2009.  http://www.eldis.org/cf/rdr/?doc=43691&em=180609?=corp.

Standard Chartered.  Sustainability Review 2008. March 2009. http://www.standardchartered.com/sustainability.

Standard Life. Corporate Responsibility Report 2008.  May 2009.  www.standardlife.com/corp_resp.

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Students and Scholars Against Corporate Misbehavior.  Hewlett-Packard Labor Rights Training Program:  Delta Electronics (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. China.  August 2009.www.sacom.hk.

Students & Scholars Against Corporate Misbehavior and Bread for All.  “Towards a New Worker-Based CSR Model:  A Pilot Labor Rights Training Program in China.”  Press Release, September 23, 2009.  http://sacom.hk/archives/585.

Srinivasan, S.  Ethical Concerns in Clinical Trials in India. SOMO.  May 2009. www.somo.nl.

Swedish Government Presidency of European Union. “Protect, Respect, Remedy—Making the European Union Take a Lead in Promoting Corporate Social Responsibility.” November 2009. www.business-humanrights.org.

Talvi, Salji J. A. “Our Town vs. Exxon.”  In These Times. February 2009.

Tax Justice Network. Where on Earth Are You? Major Corporations and Tax Havens. March 2009. www.somo.nl.

Tebtebba  Foundation and Secretariat of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues.  Report of the International Expert Group Meeting on Extractive Industries, Indigenous Peoples’ Rights and Corporate Social Responsibility.  CRP. 8. May 2009. www.un.org.

Telefónica S.A. Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2008.  August 2009. http://www.telefonica.com.

Ten Kate, Albert. Mining Matters:  Unacceptable Metal Mining in Developing Countries and the Responsibilities of Companies in the Netherlands.  Friends of the Earth Netherlands, May 2009.  http://www.milieudefensie.nl/globalisering/publicaties/rapporten/mining_matters.pdf.

Tesco Plc.  Corporate Responsibility Report 2009. May 2009. http://www.tescoplc.com/plc/corporate_responsibility_09/.

The Timberland Company.  2007-2008 Corporate Social Responsibility Reportwww.earthkeeper.com/csr.

The Timberland Company.  Responsibility Beyond Factory Walls: Engaging Factory Workers & Strengthening Communities.  2009 Report.  www.earthkeeper.com/csr.

Theuws, M. and van Os, R.  Modern Devices, Outdated Practices:  Gender Perspectives on Trade + CSR in the Electronics Supply Chain.  SOMO, October 2009.  http://goodelectronics.org/.

Total.  Total in Myanmar Update—September 2009.  September 2009.  http://burma.total.com.

TransFair USA.  Fair Trade Certified:  Pilot Program for Fair Trade Certified Apparel & Home Goods.  Obligations of Buyers, Version 4.  November 2009. 

Tripathi, Silal.  Land, Business, and Human Rights. Institute for Human Rights and Business. June 24-25, 2009. http://www.institutehrb.org/.  

UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Consultation on Promoting High Standards of Conduct By Private Military and Security Companies (PMSCs) Internationally.  Consultation Document, Conflict Group.  April 24, 2009. www.fco.gov.uk.

UK Government Department for Business Innovation & Skills.  UK Consultation on the Terms of Reference for an Update of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. 27 Oct 2009.  www.berr.gov.uk.

UK National Contact Point for the OECD Guidelines for Multinational  Enterprises. Complaint from Survival International against Vedanta Resources plc.  Final Statement, September 25, 2009. www.business-humanrights.org.

Umlas, Elizabeth.  Corporate Human Rights Reporting—An Analysis of Current Trends. “Human Rights—A Call To Action,” Global Reporting Initiative.  August 2009.  http://www.globalreporting.org/NR.

Unilever.  Labour Rights and Working Practices: A Summary of Stakeholder Concerns and Our Response.  June 2009.

United Nations. Business and Human Rights:  Towards Operationalizing the “Protect, Respect and Remedy” Framework; Report of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on the Issue of human rights and transnational corporations and other business enterprises.”  Human Rights Council:  Eleventh Session, Agenda Item 3. April 22, 2009.

United Nations.  Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues:  Report on the Eighth Session.  Economic and Social Council, Official Records, Supplement No. 23.  May 18-29, 2009.  www.un.org

United Nations.  Corporate Law Tools Project Meeting. Mandate of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on the Issue of Human Rights and Transnational Corporations and Other Business Enterprises.  June 30, 2009. www.business-humanrights.org.

United Nations. “ Protect,  Respect, and Remedy:  A Framework for Business and Human Rights.” Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Human Rights and Transnational Corporations and Other Business Enterprises.  New Delhi, India, February 5-6, 2009. www.business-humanrights.org.

United Nations High Commissioner of Human Rights.  “United Nations Voluntary Trust Fund on Contemporary Forms of Slavery.” January 7, 2009. http://www.ohchr.org.

United Nations Human Rights Council.  “Human Rights Council hears presentation of reports on independence of judges and lawyers, freedom of opinion and expression, and on health.” June 2, 2009. www.reliefweb.int.

United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary-General Ruggie, John.  State obligations to provide access to remedy for human rights abuses by third parties, including business: an overview of international and regional provisions, commentary and decisions.  Human Rights Council, Eleventh Session, Agenda 3.  May 15, 2009. www.reports-and-materials.org.

United Technologies Corporation.  More With Less:  2008 Financial and Corporate Responsibility Performance.  March 2009. http://www.utc.com/utc.

The University of Queensland, Australia & Harvard Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative.  Mining Industry Perspectives on Handling Community Grievances:  Summary and Analysis  of Industry Interviews.  CSRI Report No. 34.  April 2009.  www.hks.harvard.edu/m-rcbg/CSRI/pub_reports.html.

Van der Wal, Sanne & Bleijerveld, Rob.  Heineken—Overview of Controversial Business Practices in 2008.  SOMO. April 2009. http://somo.nl/publications-en.

Van Huijstee, Mariette; De Haan, Esther; Poyhonen, Paivi; Heydenreich, Cornelia; Riddselius, Christopher.  Fair Phones: It’s Your Call—How European Mobile Network Operators Can Improve Responsibility for Their Supply Chain.  SOMO, makeITfair.  September 2009. www.makeitfair.org.

Van Os, Roos.  Philips Electronics:  Overview of Controversial Business Practices in 2008.  SOMO. March 2009.  www.somo.nl.

Verite and CREA.  “Draft: Standards for the Knowledge and Skills of Social Auditors.” 2009.

Verité.  Advancing Women’s Rights and Social Responsibility: Capacity Building in Mexico.  Verité Works. August 2009.

Verite. Strengthening Institutions for Worker Empowerment: Capacity Building Among Civil Society Organizations in China. Verité Works. December 2008.

Verizon. Doing the Work: 2008/2009 Corporate Responsibility Report. June 2009.  http://responsibility.verizon.com/

Vigeo. Call For Evidence: Business and Human Rights.  Joint Committee on Human Rights.  May 28, 2009. www.business-humanrights.org.

Virgin Media. Our Responsibility: What We’re Doing to Become a More Responsible Business. June 2009. http://cr.virginmedia.com/.

Vodafone.  Mobilizing Development: Corporate Responsibility Report  for the Year Ended 31 March 2009. June 2009. http://www.vodafone.com/start/responsibility.html

Wang, Haiyan;  Appelbaum, Richard P.; Degiuli, Francesca;  Lichtenstein, Nelson.  China’s New Labor Contract Law:  Is China Moving Towards Increased Power for Workers?  Third World Quarterly 30(3): 485-501. 2009.

Washington Office on Latin America. DR-CAFTA and Worker’s Rights: Moving from Paper to Practice.  May 2009.

Webb, Susan.  “Fair Labor Association Releases 2008 Annual Public Report:  FLA Highlights New Strategies for Preventing Labor Rights Violations.”  Fair Labor Association.  October 6, 2009.  www.fairlabor.org.

Weber, Christopher.  “Green Jobs for Whom?” In These Times.  February 2009.

Weidacher, Reinhilde;  Hillier, Debbie; Fiestas,  Helena Viñes; Sullivan, Rory. Better Returns in a Better World:  Briefing Paper for the Arms Trade Workshop.  Oxfam, Ethix SRI Advisors, Insight Investment.  July 14, 2009. www.business-humanrights.org.

Weissman, Robert and Donahue, James.  “Wall Street’s Best Investment: 10 Deregulatory Steps to Financial Meltdown.”  Multinational Monitor.  January/February 2009.

Welch, Jack and Suzy.  “Giving in an Unforgiving Time.”  Business Week. June 1, 2009.

Welford, Richard.  “Corporate Social Responsibility:  More Talk Less Action?”  CSR Asia Weekly, Volume 5.  Week 27: July 8, 2009. 

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Wickeri, Elisabeth and Kalhan, Anil. Land Rights Issues in International Human Rights Law. Institute for Human Rights and Business. July 2009.  www.business-humanrights.org.

Wilson, Emma. Company-Led Approaches to Conflict Resolution in the Forest Sector. International Institute for Environment & Development, for The Forests Dialogue. April 2009. www.bench-marks.org.za/.

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Zermeño, Sergio. Desolation: Mexican Campesinos and Agriculture in the 21st Century.  NACLA Report on the Americas,  Report: Mexico II.  September/October 2008. 

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2009 China Factory Reports

Adams, Jonathan and McLaughlin, Kathleen E. “Special Report:  Silicon Sweatshops.”  GlobalPost. November 23, 2009. http://www.globalpost.com.

Barboza, David.  “Despite Law, Job Conditions Worsen in China.”  The New York Times,  June 23, 2009. www.nytimes.com.

Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations (SOMO). Playing With Labour Rights; Music Player and Game Console Manufacturing in China.  2009. www.somo.nl.

Cha, Eunjung Ariana.  “As China’s Jobless Numbers Mount, Protests Grow Boulder:  Economic Woes Shining a Light on Social Issues.”  The Washington Post; January 13, 2009.  www.washingtonpost.com.

Chan, Jenny and Ho, Charles.  The Dark Side of Cyberspace:  Inside the Sweatshops of China’s Computer Hardware Production.  procureITfair, Weed, and SACOM; December 2008.

Chen, John and Spauwen, Ivo.  Best Practices in Factory Training in China:  Contributing to More Worker Participation in the Improvement of Working Conditions.  Fair Wear Foundation.  September 2009. http://goodelectronics.org.

China Labor Bulletin.  “Graduate Commits Suicide After Being Forced to Work Three Months Without a Day Off.”  The Guangzhou Daily.  www.clb.org,hk.

China Labor News Translations.  “Chinese Students Go Undercover to Investigate Coca Cola: Student Beaten By Manager When He Asked for His Wages.”  CLNT Editorial.  September 16, 2009. 

China Labor News Translations.   “Ole Wolff (Yantair) Electronics Ltd. Union Struggle Part 2:  A Union Struggle for Union Self-Determination Continues.”  February 2009.  www.clntranslations.org/.

China Labor News Translations. “The Bad and the Good of the Wal-Mart-ACFTU Collective Agreement.”  May 2009. www.clntranslations.org/.

China Labor News Translations.  “The ‘Migrant Worker Commander’: Zhang Quanshou and the Quanshun Labor Dispatch Company.” July 2009. www.clntranslations.org.

China Labor Watch.  “Child Labor Prevention Project.” February 4, 2009. www.chinalaborwatch.org.

China Labor Watch.  KKR Reaps Profits from Sweatshop Labor:  Illegal Conditions at Four Dollar General Supplier Factories.  A China Labor Watch Investigation, December 2009. www.chinalaborwatch.org.

China Labor Watch.  Unhappy Holidays at Merton Toy Factory:  Poor Conditions Remain at Disney, McDonalds,  Mattel Supplier. October 2009. www.chinalaborwatch.org.

China Labor Watch.  Wal-Mart’s Road to Sustainability: Paved With False Promises? Old Problems Persist as Wal-Mart Sets Higher Goals. July 2009 Follow-Up Investigation. www.chinalaborwatch.org.

China Labor Watch.  Wal-Mart Standards Fail, Workers Suffer: Investigation Shows Five Suppliers Fail to Meet Basic Standards. November 2009. www.chinalaborwatch.org.

FinnWatch, SACOM and SOMO. Playing With Labour Rights; Music and Game Console Manufacturing in China.  March 2009. http://makeitfair.org.

Greenpeace.  Poisoning the Pearl:  An Investigation Into Industrial Water Pollution in the Pearl River Delta.  October 28, 2009.  http://www.greenpeace.org/raw/content/china/en/press/reports/pearl-river-delta-2009.pdf.

Greenpeace China.  How Motorola, Samsung and Other Giants Break China’s Pollution Rules.  November 2009.  www.greenpeace.org.

Ho, Kathy.  “Swire Beverages—A Open Letter to SACOM.” Swire Beverages.

Jacobs, Andrew. “Chinese Worker’s Say Illness is Real, Not Hysteria.”  The New York Times.  July 30, 2009.  www.nytimes.com.

Kernaghan, Charles; Briggs, Barbara;  Giammarco, Jonathann;  Saylor, James;  Rosenthal, Danielle.  Nightmare on Sesame Street:  “Ernie” Made in Chinese Sweatshop.  National Labor Committee.  July 2008. www.nlcnet.org.

Lee, Brenda.  “Open Letter to SACOM:  Coca-Cola Complies with Labor Laws and Regulations in China.” Coca-Cola Greater China.  www.coca-cola.com.cn.

Lee, Brenda.  “Open Letter to SACOM:  Coca-Cola Workplace Rights Policy and Human Rights Statement.”  Coca-Cola Greater China. www.coca-cola.com.cn.

Leung, Perry & Chan, Debby.  Exploitations of Toy Factory Workers at the Bottom of the Global Supply Chain.  Stop Toying Around! & SACOM.  September 2009.

Loong-yu, Au. “Shifting the Burden Onto Workers: China’s Disposable Labor.” Against the Current, 140.  May/June 2009.

National Labor Committee.  High Tech Misery in China: The Dehumanization of Young Workers Producing Our Computer Keyboards. February 2009. www.nlc.net.

National Labor Committee.  “Profile of a ‘Model Chinese Factory’: A Relatively Better Factory; But it is Still a Hard Life, With Long Hours, Low Wages and Primitive Living Conditions.” July 15, 2008.  www.nlcnet.org.

National Labor Committee.  “Sesame Street and K’NEX Investigating Sweatshop in China.” www.nlcnet.org

Roberts, Dexter. “As Factories Fail, So Does Business Law.” Business Week. April 13, 2009.

Sexton, John.  “New War of the Flea: CSR and Labor Activism in China.” October 22, 2009. http://www.china.org.cn.

SOMO and FinnWatch.  Playing With Labour Rights:  Music Player and Game Console Manufacturing in China. March 2009.  www.finnwatch.org and http://somo.nl.

SACOM.  Investigative Report on Hangzhou Coca-Cola Bottling Plant: A Disaster Caused by the Dispatch Labour System!  Coke Concerned Student Group, December 2009.  http://sacom.hk/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/report-dec-2009-eng.pdf. 

Students Against Corporate Misbehavior.  Hewlett-Packard Labor Rights Training Program:  Chicony Electronics (Dongguan) Co., Ltd.  2009.  http://sacom.hk/.

Students and Scholars Against Corporate Misbehavior.  Hewlett-Packard Labor Rights Training Program:  Delta Electronics (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. 2009.  http://sacom.hk/.

Students and Scholars Against Corporate Misbehavior. “Open Letter to Coca-Cola and Swire Beverages: Replacing Rhetoric With Commitment, Rectifying the Illegal Use of Dispatched Workers.”  October 14, 2009.  www.sacom.hk.

Students and Scholars Against Corporate Misbehavior. “Violence in Coca-Cola’s Labor Subcontracting System in China.” August 31, 2009. www.sacom.hk.

Tinsley, Rebecca.  “On the World’s Factory Floor.” New Internationalist.  June 2009.

Tucker, Libby.  “Wheel Back the Factories.”  New Internationalist.  June 2009.

Wick, Ingeborg.  Labour and Women’s Rights in the Discount Business: Aldi’s Special Bargains From China.  SUDWIND.  February 2009. www.suedwind-institut.de.

Wong, May. “No Choice But to Fight!:  A Documentation of Battery Women Worker’s Struggle for Health and Dignity.” Globalization Monitor.  July 2009.  www.globalmon.org.hk.

Worker Rights Consortium.  Worker Rights Consortium Assessment re Lianglong Socks Co. Ltd. (China):  Findings, Recommendations, and Status Report. April 3, 2008.  www.workersrights.org.

Zhu, Peter.  “Foxconn Worker Suicide and CSR.” CSR Asia Strategic Partners. www.csr-asia.com.


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2009 China Articles

Adams, Jonathan and McLaughlin, Kathleen E. “Special Report:  Silicon Sweatshops.”  GlobalPost. November 23, 2009. http://www.globalpost.com.

Adams, Jonathan and McLaughlin, Kathleen E. “Special Report:  Silicon Sweatshops.”  GlobalPost. November 23, 2009. http://www.globalpost.com.

African Labor Research Network and Globalization Monitor.  Chinese Investments in Africa: A Labour Perspective.  May 2009. www.globalmon.org.hk.

African Labor Research Network and Globalization Monitor.  Chinese Investments in Africa:  Opportunity or Threat for Workers? July 2009. www.globalmon.org.hk.

Asma, Stephen T.  “Happy Serf Liberation Day.”  In These Times.  May 25, 2009.

Aston, Adam. “Can China Clean Up Its Act?”  Business Week. May 25, 2009.

Baah, Anthony Yaw and Jauch, Herbert. Chinese Investments in Africa: A Labour Perspective.  Globalization Monitor: African Labour Research Network.  May 2009. www.globalmon.org.hk.

Balfour, Frederik.  “In China, a Burst of Corporate Bonds:  Thanks to Streamlined Regulations, More Companies Are Issuing Debt Cheaply and Fast.”  Business Week.  July 6, 2009.

Barboza, David.  “A Rebound of Growth in China:  Stimulus is Partly Credited.” The New York Times; July 17, 2009.

Barboza, David. “A Textile Capital of China Is Hobbled by a Downturn Gone Global.”  The New York Times; February 28, 2009.  www.nytimes.com.

Barboza, David. “Contradictions in China, and the Rise of a Billionaire Family.”  The New York Times; January 2, 2009.  www.nytimes.com.

Barboza, David.  “Despite Law, Job Conditions Worsen in China.”  The New York Times,  June 23, 2009. www.nytimes.com.

Barboza, David.  “China Finds $35 Billion in Fraud by Officials.”  The New York Times,  December 30, 3009. www.nytimes.com.

Bellamy Foster, John.  A Failed System: The World Crisis of Capitalist Globalization and its Impact on China.  Monthly Review, Review of the Month.  March 2009.

Bradsher, Keith. “As Trade Slows, China Rethinks Its Growth Strategy.”  The New York Times; January 1, 2009.  www.nytimes.com.

Bradsher, Keith.  “China Losing Taste For Debt From U.S.”  The New York Times; January 8, 2009. www.nytimes.com.

Bradsher, Keith.  “Trade Losses Rise in China, Threatening Jobs.”  The New York Times; January 13, 2009. www.nytimes.com.

Branigan, Tania.  “China Fears Riots Will Spread as Boom Goes Sour.”  The Observer;  January 25, 2009.  www.guardian.co.uk/world./

Brown, Ellen.  “The Secrets of China’s Economy: The Government Owns the Banks Rather Than the Reverse.”  Web of Debt, Global Research.  August 18, 2009. www.globalresearch.ca.

Business for Social Responsibility. Sustainable Investment in China 2009.  September 1, 2009. www.Bsr.org.

Callick, Rowan.  “Millions of Chinese Migrant Workers Lose Jobs.”  The Australian;  March 2, 2009.  www.theaustralian.news.com.au.

Canaves, Sky.  “Factory Closures Strain China’s Labor Law.” Wall St. Journal; January 16, 2009.  http://online.wsj.com.

Cha, Ariana Eunjung.  “Grieving Parents Gain Clout in China:  Party Steps Lightly in Wake of Disasters.”  The Washington Post, March 28, 2009.  www.washingtonpost.com.

Cha, Ariana Eunjung.  “In China, Despair Mounting Among Migrant Workers:  Millions Are Without Jobs, Options.” The Washington Post;  March 4, 2009.  www.washingtonpost.com.

Chan, Anita.  Challenges and Possibilities for Democratic Grassroots Union Elections in China: A Case Study of Two Factory-Level Elections and Their Aftermath.  Labor Studies Journal 34(3):293-317. 2009.

Chan, Aris.  Paying the Price for Economic Development:  The Children of Migrant Workers in China.  China Labour Bulletin, November 2009.  http://www.china-labour.org.hk/.

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The Economist.  “Time to Change the Act.”  Chinese Business;  February 19, 2009.  www.economist.com.

Economy, Elizabeth C. and Segal, Adam.  The G-2 Mirage:  Why the United States and China Are Not Ready to Upgrade Ties.  Foreign Affairs.  May/June 2009. 

Ediger, Laura and Hwang, Linda. Water Quality and Environmental Health in Southern China. A BSR Forum, July 2009. http://bsr.org/reports.

Edinger, Hannah and Sandrey, Ron.  The Relevance of Chinese Agricultural Technologies for African Smallholder Farmers: Agricultural Technology Research in China.  Globalization Monitor: Centre for Chinese Studies, University of Stellenbosch. April 2009. www.globalmon.org.hk.

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Foroohar, Rana.  “Why China Works.”  Newsweek;  January 19, 2009. www.newsweek.com.

Forsythe, Michael.  “Letter From China:  Is China’s Economy Speeding Off the Rails?”  The New York Times.  December 23, 2009.  www.nytimes.com.

Foster, John Bellamy.  A Failed System: The World Crisis of Capitalist Globalization and its Impact on China. Monthly Review:  Vol. 60, No. 10. March 2009.

Gat, Azar.  Which Way Is History Marching? Debating the Authoritarian Revival.  Foreign Affairs. July/ August 2009.

Globalization Monitor. Preliminary Report on China’s Going Global Labor Strategy. Working Paper Series. March 30, 2009.  www.globalmon.org.hk.

Globalization Monitor. Working Paper on the Reform of the Urban Water Supply in Southern China - Water Privatization in China.  March 31, 2009. www.globalmon.org.hk.

GoodElectronics.  “With New Apple Business on the Horizon, Wintek Keeps Costs Down by Suppressing Strike in Mainland China.”  June 2009.  www.goodelectronics.org.

Greenpeace.  Silent Giants: An Investigation Into Corporate Environmental Information Disclosure in China.  October 2009.  http://www.greenpeace.org/raw/content/china/en/press/reports/silent-giants-report.pdf.

Green-Weiskel, Lucia. Building Carbon Industries in China. The Innovation Center for Energy and Transportation, Business for Social Responsibility, and The Climate Registry. July 2009.  www.bsr.org.

Han, Dongping.  Farmers, Mao, and Discontent in China:  From the Great Leap Forward to the Present.  Monthly Review, Volume 61-No.7.  December 2009.

Harris, Dan. “China’s Labor Laws.  Worry Me Or Worry Me Not.”  China Law Blog;  January 10, 2009.  www.chinalawblog.com.

Harvey, Nick. “50 Years from Home.” New Internationalist.  March 2009.

Hiltzik, Michael.  “Mutual Interests Bind Chinese, U.S. Economies.” The Los Angeles Times, November 16, 2009.  www.latimes.com/business.

Ho-Fung, Hung.  America’s Head Servant?  The PRC’s Dilemma in the Global Crisis.  New Left Review 60.  November-December 2009.

Human Rights Watch.  An Alleyway in Hell: China’s Abusive “Black Jails.”  November 12, 2009. http://www.hrw.org/en/reports/2009/11/12/alleyway-hell-0.

Human Rights Watch.  “We Are Afraid to Even Look for Them”:  Enforced Disappearances in the Wake of Xinjiang’s Protests. October 20, 2009.  http://www.hrw.org/en/reports/2009/10/22/we-are-afraid-even-look-them-0.

Hutzler, Charles.  “Analysis:  Income Gaps, Corruption Fuel China Riots.”  The Washington Post, The Associated Press;  July 14, 2009.  www.washingtonpost.com.

International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC).  “Annual Survey of Violations of Trade Union Rights 2009.”  China; 2009.

Jacques, Martin.  “When China Rules the World.”  TruthDig.  December 17, 2009.  www.truthdig.com.

Jacobs, Andrew.  “Beijing Journal:  Chinese Businesses Resist Eviction by Developers.”  The New York Times.  December 31, 2009. www.nytimes.com.

Jacobs, Andrew.  “China Fears Tremors as Jobs Vanish From Coast.”  The New York Times;  February 23, 2009.  Www.nytimes.com.

Jospehs, Hilary K., “Measuring Progress Under China’s Labor Laws:  Goals, Processes, Outcomes,”  Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, Vol. 30, No. 2. 2009.  P.373-394.

Kaplan, Robert D.  Center Stage for the Twenty-First Century:  Power Plays in the Indian Ocean.  Foreign Affairs,  Volume 88, No. 2.  March/April 2009.

Keane, Lauren. “Chinese Migrants Return to Rural Roots.”  The Washington Post; January 2, 2009.  www.washingtonpost.com.

Kernaghan, Charles.  “Disney Holiday Toys:  Made Under Abusive and Illegal Sweatshop Conditions in China.” The National Labor Committee. www.nlcnet.org/reports.php.

Kolo, Vincent and Lizhi, Chen.  China: Sweatshop of the World, The Coming Revolt. Asia Labour Update 35.  October -December 2008.

Kurlantzick,  Joshua.  “Twilight of the Autocrats:  Will the Financial Crisis Bring Down Russia and China?”  The American Prospect.  March 2009.

Lee, Don. “Migrant Factory Workers at a Loss as China’s Economy Slumps.”  Los Angeles Times;  January 23, 2009.  www.latimes.com.

Lewis, Bernard.  Free at Last?  The Arab World in the Twenty-first Century.  Foreign Affairs,  Volume 88, No. 2.  March/April 2009. 

Lett, Erin and Banister, Judith.  “China’s Manufacturing Employment and Compensation Costs: 2002-06.”  Monthly Labor Review; April 2009.

LeVine, Steve and Roberts, Dexter.  “China’s Doubts About the Dollar.”  Business Week.  June 8, 2009.

Li, Poland and Frost, Stephen.  “Chinese Worker’s Rights in an Economic Crisis?” CSR Asia Weekly, Vol.5 , Week 6. February 11, 2009.

Liu, Zhengkui; Li, Xinying; Ge, Xiaojia.  Left Too Early:  The Effects of Age at Separation From Parents on Chinese Rural Children’s Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression.  American Journal of Public Health, Volume 99, No. 11.  November 2009.

Loong-yu, Au.  “Shiftingthe Burden Onto Workers:  China’s Disposable Labor.” Against the Current; May/June 2009.

Ma, Martin.  The Story of Ying Xie:  Democratic Workers’ Representation in China as a Tool for Better Business.  Center for International Private Enterprise, A Business Case for Implementing Workplace Standards.  2009. 

Mackinnon, Mark.  “Jobless, Restless China; 20 Million and Growing.”  Globe and Mail;  February 20, 2009.  www.theglobeandmail.com.

Maplecroft.  China: Country Report, Labour Standards.  Q3 August 2009. www.maplecroft.com.

Mitchell, Tom.  “Daunting Departure.” Financial Times; January 7, 2009. www.ft.com.

Moore, Malcolm.  “No One Knows What is Going On in China’s Factories.”  The Telegraph.  July 30, 2009. 

New Internationalist. “Hu’s who:  Just who is running the show in China?”  June 2009.

New Internationalist.  “The Next Dynasty.” New Internationalist.  June 2009.

Pan, Philip.  Out of Mao’s Shadow:  The Struggle for the Soul of a New China.  Asia Labour Update 35, Review.  October-December 2008. 

Paperny, Anna Mehler.  “China’s Migrant Workers Cut Loose:  Usual Trip Home for Lunar New Year Has and Ominous Flavor, With Many Lost Urban Jobs.”  San Francisco Chronicle; January 23, 2009.

Participatory Occupational Health and Safety Improvement.  Hong Kong and Mainland China-Summary Report 2009. Hong Kong Workers’ Health Centre. www.hkwhc.org.hk.

Pettis, Michael.  “Will China Have to Choose Between Social Stability and Long-Term Growth?”.  China’s Financial Markets; February 9, 2009.  http://mpettis.com/.

Pomfret, John.  “The Chinese Are ‘Changing Us’:  Rising Global Power is Reshaping the Way Americans Do Business and Live Their Lives.” The Washington Post,  November 14, 2009.  www.washingtonpost.com.

Reich, Robert.  “Obama, China, and Wishful Thinking About American Jobs.” November 17, 2009. Robert Reich’s Blog. 

Reuters.  “China’s Growing Economy Mints Billionaires.”  The New York Times, October 14, 2009.  www.nytimes.com/2009.

Richards, Chris. “Made in China.” New Internationalist.  June 2009.

Roberts, Dexter.  “China Rethinks the American Way.”  Business Week.  June 15, 2009.  

Roberts, Dexter.  “China’s Stimulus Goes to Work.”  Business Week. May 18, 2009.

Roberts, Dexter.  “Where the Action Is in China:  As growth slows along the coast, more companies are targeting the booming the southwest.”  Business Week.  June 22, 2009.

Roberts, Dexter and Balfour, Frederik.  “China’s Shopping Spree.” Business Week.  July 27, 2009.

Roberts, Dexter and Engardio, Pete.  The China Hype. BusinessWeek.  November 2, 2009.

Sandrey, Ron and Edinger, Hannah. The Relevance of Chinese Agricultural Technologies for African Smallholder Farmers: Agricultural Technology Research in China. Globalization Monitor, Centre for Chinese Studies, University of Stellenbosch,April 2009.  www.globalmon.org.hk.

Scissors, Derek.  Deng Undone:  The Costs of Halting Market Reform in China. Foreign Affairs, Volume 88, No. 3May/June 2009. 

Sexton, John.  New War of the Flea:  CSR and Labor Activism in China.  October 22, 2009. China.org.cn. http://www.china.org.cn/china/2009-10/22/content_18750629.htm.
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Shallat, Lezak.  “The Cultural Crusades.”  New Internationalist.  June 2009. 

Tse, Edward; Ma, Kevin; Huang, Yu.  “Shan Zai Production of Mobile Phones in China.” August 2009. www.strategy-business.com.

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.  “Compensation for Chinese Factory Workers Still Low Compared to U.S. Costs, BLS Finds.”  Monthly Labor Review, May 2009. http://www.bls.gov/mlr/.

U.S. Daily Labor Report.  “China’s New Labor Law Falling By Wayside Amid Financial Crisis.”  February 24, 2009. www.bna.com/products/labor/dir.htm.

Van Til, Tabasum. Human Rights, Chinese Business:  How China’s Transnational State-Owned Enterprises Fit Into International Human Rights Law. University of Utrecht, May 2009.  http://ungcdocuments.googlegroups.com.

Verité. Strengthening Institutions for Worker Empowerment:  Capacity Building Among Civil Society Organizations in China. Verité Works. 2009.

Wang, Haiyan;  Appelbaum, Richard P.; Degiuli, Francesca;  Lichtenstein, Nelson.  China’s New Labor Contract Law:  Is China Moving Towards Increased Power for Workers?  Third World Quarterly 30(3): 485-501. 2009.

Warner, Marion and Bair, Jennifer.  “After Sweatshops?  Apparel Politics in the Circum-Caribbean.”  NACLA Report on the Americas:  Volume 42, No. 4.  July/August 2009.

Weiskel, Lucia-Green. Building Carbon Inventories in China. The Innovation Center for Energy and Transportation,  Business for Social Responsibility, and The Climate Registry.  June 2009. http://bsr.org/research/reports.cfm.

Wen, Dale Jiajun.  Climate Change and China: Technology, Market, and Beyond.  Focus on the Global South:  Occasional Paper 6. February 2009. www.focusweb.org.

Wheatley, Alan.  “Why China Will Keep Investing Abroad.”  The New York Times;  July 21, 2009.  www.nytimes.com.

Wheatley, Alan.  “The China Price Starts to Grind Lower Once More.” Reuters; March 1, 2009.

Wong, Edward.  “Uneasy Engagement: China’s Export of Labor Faces Scorn.”  The New York Times. December 21, 2009.  www.nytimes.com.

Wong, May.  Development and Trends in the Chinese Garment and Textile Industry.  MFA+3.  Hong Kong, September 2008.

Xingdou, Hu.  “China’s Poor: Always With Us?” Open Democracy. October 21, 2009.  www.opendemocracy.net/article/.

Yongding, Yu.  The Management of Cross-Border Management Flows and Macroeconomic Stability in China. Third World Network.  Global Economy Series 2009. http://twnside.org.sg.

York, Geoffrey.  “World:  Beijing’s Footprint—Iraq, Sudan, Angola, Venezuela, Zimbabwe.”  Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development Investment Policy Reviews: China 2008.  January 3, 2009.  www.theglobeandmail.com.

Yu, Au Loong.  “China: End of a Model…Or the Birth of a New One?” New Politics, Volume XII-3, Whole #47.  Summer 2009. http://newpolitics.mayfirst.org.

Yu, Au Loong. Disposable Labour—Chinese Labour Under Economic Downturn. Globalization Monitor. February 24, 2009.  www.globalmon.org.hk.

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2009 Global OHS Articles

Abongomera, Liri A.  “The Impact of Globalization on Occupational Health Services: The Case of Developing Countries.” African Newsletter on Occupational Health and Safety:  Volume 19, Number 1.  April 2009.

Bracker, Anne L.;  Morse, Timothy F.;  Simcox, Nancy J.  Training Health and Safety Committees to Use Control Bending:  Lessons Learned and Opportunities for the United States.  Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 6:307-314. May 2009.

Buffet, Marie-Amelie and Priha, Eero.  Workforce Diversity and Risk Assessment: Ensuring Everyone is Covered.  European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, Working Environment Information.  2009.

Centre for Reflection and Action on Labour Issues.  Labour Rights in a Time of Crisis.  Third Report on Working Conditions in the Mexican Electronics Industry, November 2009. www.sjsocial.org.

European Agency for Safety and Health at Work.  Annual Report 2008 Summary. http://osha.europa.edu.

European Agency for Safety and Health at Work. Labour Inspectorates’ Strategic Planning on Safety and Health at Work:  Results of a Questionnaire Survey to EU-Osha’s Focal Points. European Risk Observatory Report:Working Paper 10. 2009.

European Agency for Safety and Health at Work.  Preventing Harm to Cleaning Workers. Facts 86. http://osha.europa.eu.

FNV Company Monitor. The Implications of the Flexibilisation of Work for Workers and Trade Unions:  Experiences from Various Sectors, Worldwide.  Decent WorkFlex Worldwide, March 2009. http://www.fnvcompanymonitor.nl/images/stories/publications/decent%20work%20magazine%20en.pdf.

Hazards Magazine.  “All Fired Up.”  Issue 107, July-September 2009. http://www.hazards.org/victimisation/allfiredup.htm.

HazardsMagazine.  “Dangerous Lead.”  November 2009. http://www.hazards.org/lead/.

Hazards Magazine. “Escaping Scrutiny.”  Issue 108, October-December 2009. http://www.hazards.org/deadlybusiness.

Hazards Magazine.  “Green Collared.”  Issue 107, July-September 2009. http://www.hazards.org/greenjobs/greencollared.htm.

Hazards Magazine. “Greenwash.”  Issue 108, October –December 2009. http://www.hazards.org/greenjobs.

Hazards Magazine.  “Green Collared.”  Issue 107, July-September 2009. http://www.hazards.org/greenjobs/greencollared.htm.

Hirst, Adrian; Ingle, John;  Kennedy, Andrew; Ogden, Trevor; Van Tongeren, Martie.  Testing Compliance With Occupational Exposure Limits. Working Party of the British Occupational Hygiene Society and the Dutch Occupational Hygiene Society.  October 31, 2009.

Kiwekete, Hope Muggagga.  “The Role of a Safety Culture in Preventing Accidents in the Workplace.” African Newsletter on Occupational Health and Safety:  Volume 19, Number 1.  April 2009.

Lißner, Lothar; Schmitz-Felten, Ellen; Krieger, Heidi; Robbelen-Voigt, Katariina.  Assessment, Elimination and Substantial Reduction of Occupational Risks.  European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, Working Environment Information 8.  2009.

Manothum, Aniruth; Rukijkanpanich, Jittra;  Thawesaengskulthai, Damrong;  Thampitakkul, Boonwa;  Chaikittiporn, Chalermchai;  Arphorn, Sara.  A Participatory Model for Improving Occupational Health and Safety: Improving Informal Sector Working Conditions in Thailand. International Journal for Environmental Health, 2009; 15: 305-314. www.ljoeh.com.

McGlothin, James;  Hubbard, Bryan; Aghazadeh, Fereydoun;  Hubbard, Sarah.  Ergonomics—Case Study:  Safety Training Issues for Hispanic Construction Workers.  Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 6: D45-D50.  September 2009.

Nebraska Appleseed.  The Voice of Nebraska’s Meatpacking Workers—“The Speed Kills You.” October2009.

Nycosh.  After 8 Years of Bush Can OSHA Be Fixed? What Must Be Done. SAFETY Rep, Winter 2009. http://www.nycosh.org.

OECD Watch.  “Corporate Accountability: Tools to Promote Responsible Business Conduct.”  DTP Multistakeholder Event. November 4, 2009.  www.oecdwatch.org.

Park, Jungsun; Hisanaga, Naomi; Kim, Yangho.  Historical Perspective: Transfer of Occupational Health Problems From a Developed to a Developing Country:  Lessons From the Japan-South Korea Experience.  American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 52:625-632.  May 2009.

Mullner, Ross. Deadly Glow: The Radium Dial Worker Tragedy.  American Public Health Association. www.alphabookstore.org.

Tregenza, Tim.  Preventing Harm to Cleaning Workers.  European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, Working Environment Information.  http://osha.europa.eu.

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2009 Global Electronics Articles

Adams, Jonathan and McLaughlin, Kathleen E. “Special Report:  Silicon Sweatshops.”  GlobalPost. November 23, 2009. http://www.globalpost.com.

Apple Inc. Supplier Responsibility 2009 Progress Report.  www.apple.com/supplierresponsibility/

Barajas, Jorge.  Labor Rights in a Time of Crisis:  Third Report on Working Conditions in the Mexican Electronics Industry.  Centre for Reflection and Action on Labour Rights, November 2009.  http://goodelectronics.org.

Basel Action Network.  The EarthECycle Pittsburgh “Recycling” Scam. May 2009.  www.ban.org.

Butollo, Florian; Kusch, Joanna;  Laufer, Tina.  Buy It Fair: Guideline for Sustainable Procurement of Computers. ProcureITfair, May 2009. http://goodelectronics.org/publications-en/Publication_3125/at_download/fullfiled.

Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations (SOMO) and the Philippine Workers’ Assistance Center (WAC). Configuring Labour Rights: Labour Conditions in the Production of Computer Parts in the Philippines. July 2009. www.somo.nl

Citizen’s Research Collective on SEZ.  The Public Price of Success:  The Costs of the Nokia Telecom SEZ in Chennai for the Government and Workers.  June 2009.  http://sez.icrindia.org.

De Haan, Esther and Schipper, Irene.  Computer Connections:  Supply Chain Policies and Practices of Seven Computer Companies. SOMO Paper.  May 2009. www.somo.nl.

ECOS, EEB, Friends of the Earth Europe, WWF-EPO, INFORSE-Europe, and CAN-Europe.  “Position on the EC Working Documents on Ecodesign and Energy Labeling Requirements for BOILERS.”  Document reference: EuP/2009/06. October 5, 2009.   http://env-ngo.eup-network.de.

ECOS, EEB, Friends of the Earth Europe, WWF-EPO, INFORSE-Europe, and CAN-Europe.  “Position on the EC Working Documents on Ecodesign Requirements for Computers and Displays.”  Document reference: EuP/2009/04. June 19, 2009.   http://env-ngo.eup-network.de.

ECOS, EEB, Friends of the Earth Europe, WWF-EPO, INFORSE-Europe, and CAN-Europe.  “Position on the EC Working Documents on Ecodesign Requirements for Room Air Conditioners and Comfort Fans.”  Document reference: EuP/2009/03. June 17, 2009.   http://env-ngo.eup-network.de.

ECOS, EEB, Friends of the Earth Europe, WWF-EPO, INFORSE-Europe, and CAN-Europe.  “Position on the Proposed Voluntary Initiative Agreements on Imaging Equipment and Complex Set Top Boxes.”  Document reference: EuP/2009/06. October 5, 2009.   http://env-ngo.eup-network.de.

Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition.  2008 Annual Report.  2009.  www.eicc.info.

European Environment Agency.  Waste Without Borders in the EU?  Transboundary Shipments of Waste. March 2009. www.eea.europa.eu.

FinnWatch, SACOM, and SOMO.  Playing With Labour Rights:  Music and Game Console Manufacturing in China.  March 2009.  http://makeitfair.org.

GoodElectronics.  “Hoya Glass Disk (Thailand): A Long Road to Unionisation.”  November 2009.  www.goodelectronics.org.

GoodElectronics.  “With New Apple Business on the Horizon, Wintek Keeps Costs Down by Suppressing Strike in Mainland China.”  June 2009.  www.goodelectronics.org.

Greenpeace China.  How Motorola, Samsung and Other Giants Break China’s Pollution Rules.  November 2009.  www.greenpeace.org.

Hewlett Packard. 2008 Global Citizenship Report. April 2009. www.hp.com/hpinfo/globalcitizenship/gcreport/downloads.html.

Hewlett-Packard.  The Sustainable Supply Chain:  Supply Chain Social and Environmental Responsibility at HP.  March 2009.  http://h20195.www2.hp.com/v2/GetPDF.aspx/4AA2-4732EEE.pdf.

Hoges, Clemens. “The Children of Sodom and Gomorrah: How Europe’s Discarded Computers Are Poisoning Africa’s Kids.” Spiegel Online,  December 4, 2009.  www.spiegel.de.

Holdcroft, Jenny.  Creating Conditions for Collective Labour Relations to Improve Labour Rights in the Electronics Industry.  International Metalworkers Foundation,  2009. www.imfmetal.org.

makeITfair.  On the Move:  The Electronics Industry in Central and Eastern Europe.  SOMO, November 2009. www.somo.nl.

makeITfair and GoodElectronics.  Report:  Round Table for the Electronics Industry and Civil Society Organizations: Improving Labour Standards in the Global Electronics Industry, Defining Strategies That Work.  July 2009.  www.goodelectronics.org

National Labor Committee.  High Tech Misery in China: The Dehumanization of Young Workers Producing Our Computer Keyboards. February 2009. www.nlc.net.

Nimpuno, Nardono;  McPherson, Alexandra; Sadique, Tanvir.  Greening Consumer Electronics—Moving Away From Bromine and Chlorine.  Chemsec and Clean Production Action.  September 2009.  www.goodelectronics.org.

Overeem, Pauline.  Reset:  Corporate Social Responsibility in the Global Electronics Supply Chain.  MVO Platform and GoodElectronics, October 2009.  http://goodelectronics.org/.

Plank, Leonhard;  Staritz, Cornelia; Lukas, Karin.  Labour Rights in Global Production Networks: An  Analysis of the Apparel and Electronics Sector in Romania.  June 2009. www.goodelectronics.org.

Poyhonen, P. Legal and Illegal Blured: Update on Tin Production for Consumer Electronics in Indonesia. FinnWatch. June 2009.  www.somo.nl.

Prendergast, John and Lezhnev, Sarah. From Mine to Mobile Phone: The Conflict Minerals Supply Chain.  Enough Project.  www.enoughproject.org.

ProcureITfair.  Buy IT Fair:  Guideline for Sustainable Procurement of Computers.  July 2009.  www.procureITfair.org

ProcureITfair.  The IT Company Monitor. September 18, 2009. http://procureitfair.org/news-en/procure-it-fair-launches-company-monitor/.

Resolve.  “Create Transparency Model by Mapping the Tin, Tantalum, and Cobalt Supply Chain.”  Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition and Global e-Sustainability Initiative Extractives Workgroup, November 2009. www.goodelectronics.org.

Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition.  Towards a Just and Sustainable Solar Energy Industry.  January 2009.  www.svtc.org

SOMO and the Philippine Workers’ Assistance Center.  Configuring Labour Rights: Labour Conditions in the Production of Computer Parts in the Philippines,  July 2009. www.somo.nl.

SOMO.  Computer Connections: Supply Chain Policies and Practices of Seven Computer Companies. May 2009.  www.somo.nl.

SOMO and FinnWatch.  Playing With Labour Rights:  Music Player and Game Console Manufacturing in China. March 2009.  www.finnwatch.org and http://somo.nl.

Students Against Corporate Misbehavior.  Hewlett-Packard Labor Rights Training Program:  Chicony Electronics (Dongguan) Co., Ltd.  2009.  http://sacom.hk/.

Students and Scholars Against Corporate Misbehavior.  Hewlett-Packard Labor Rights Training Program:  Delta Electronics (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. 2009.  http://sacom.hk/.

SwedWatch.  Out of Control: E-Waste Trade Flows from the EU to Developing Countries. April 2009.  www.swedwatch.org.

Tse, Edward; Ma, Kevin; Huang, Yu.  “Shan Zai Production of Mobile Phones in China.” August 2009. www.strategy-business.com.

Van Huijstee, Mariette & De Haan, Esther.  E-Waste.  SOMO, Policy Paper.  December 2009.  www.somo.nl.

Van Huijstee, Mariette; De Haan, Esther; Poyhonen, Paivi; Heydenreich, Cornelia; Riddselius, Christopher.  Fair Phones: It’s Your Call—How European Mobile Network Operators Can Improve Responsibility for Their Supply Chain.  SOMO, makeITfair.  September 2009. www.makeitfair.org

Xiao, Fang. “Police Break Strike at Philips in Shenzhen.” The Epoch Times.  September 6, 2009. http://www.theepochtimes.com/n2/content/view/22131/.

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