Maquiladora Health & Safety Support Network
Reading & Resource Lists
Last update: January 2000

List B - Background Books

A Citizen's Guide to NAFTA's Environmental Commission; 1995; 16 pp.; $2.00

Aguayo Quezada, Sergio; Myths and [Mis]Perceptions: Changing U.S. Elite Visions of Mexico; Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies, University of California, San Diego, (619) 534-1160; 423 pp.; $19.95.

Amnesty International; Mexico: Torture with Impunity; (322 Eighth Ave., New York, NY 10001); September 1991; 55 pp.; $5.

Asia Monitor Resource Centre; We in the Zone, Women Workers in Asia's Export Processing Zones; 1998. 266p.,

Aronowitz, Stanley and William DiFazio; The Jobless Future: Sci-Tech and the Dogma of Work; University of Minnesota Press; 1994.

Athanasiou, Tom; Divided Planet: The Ecology of Rich and Poor; Little, Brown and Company, New York; 1996.

Babson, Steve; Lean Work: Empowerment and Exploitation in the Global Auto Industry; Wayne State University Press, Detroit, MI; 1995; 368 pp.; $27.

Baker, Dean; Epstein, Gerald, and Pollin, Robert, eds.; Globalization and Progressive Economic Policy; Cambridge University Press, New York; 1999; $24.95.

Bales, Kevin; "Disposable People: New Slavery in the Global Economy;" University of California Press; 288pp; $24.95.

Ballenger, Jeff and Claes Olsson; Behind the Swoosh: The Struggle of Indonesians Making Nike Shoes; Global Publications Foundation; Box 1221, 752 42 Uppsala, Sweden.

Barlow, Maude and Tony Clarke; MAI: The Multilateral Agreement on Investment and the Threat to American Freedom; Public Citizen (202-546-4996), 120 pp.; $10.

Barndt, Deborah; Women Working the NAFTA Food Chain: Women, Food and Globalization; Second Story Press; 720 Bathurst Street, Suite 301, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 2R4; $19.95.

Barnet, Richard J., and John Cavanagh; Global Dreams: Imperial Corporations and the New World Order; Touchstone Press/Simon & Schuster, New York; 1994; 430 pp.; $15.

Barry, Tom; Zapata's Revenge: Free Trade and the Farm Crisis in Mexico; South End Press, Boston, MA; 1994; $15.

Barry, Tom and Martha Honey; Global Focus: A New Foreign Policy Agenda 1997-1998; 282 pp.; $14.95

Barry, Tom, and Beth Sims; The Challenge of Cross-Border Environmentalism, The U.S.-Mexico Case; Resource Center Press (Box 4506, Albuquerque, NM 87196); 1994; 120 pp.; $9.95.

Barry, Tom, ed., Mexico: A Country Guide; Resource Center Press (Box 4506, Albuquerque, NM 87196); 1992; 401 pp.; $14.95.

Barry, Tom, Harry Browne and Beth Sims; Crossing the Line; Immigrants, Economic Integration, and Drug Enforcement on the U.S.-México Border; Resource Center Press (Box 4506, Albuquerque, NM 87196); 1994; 145 pp.; $9.95.

Barry, Tom, Harry Browne and Beth Sims; The Great Divide; Grove Press 1994; 452 pp.; $24.00.

Bello, Walden, Shea Cunningham and Bill Rau; Dark Victory: The United States, Structural Adjustment and Global Poverty; Food First Books (398 60th Street, Oakland, CA 94618); 1994; 148 pp.; $12.95.

Berry, Albert; Poverty, Economic Reform, and Income Distribution in Latin America; Lynne Rienner Publication; 1998; 278 pp; $58.

Bhagwati, J,and RE Hudec (editors); Fair Trade and Harmonization: Prequisites for Free Trade?" 2 volumes; Cambridge; MIT Press; 1996.

Birch, Melissa H. and Jerry Haar; The Impact of Privatization in Latin America; North South Center Press; December 1999; 324 pp; ISBN 1-57454-054-8; paper $26.95.

Blank, Stephen and Jerry Haar; Making NAFTA Work: U.S. Firms and the New North American Business Environment; University of Miami; 1998; 120 pp; $15.95.

Blecker, Robert, ed.; U.S. Trade Policy and Global Growth: New Directions in the International Economy; Economic Policy Institute; Washington, DC; 1996; 313 pp.; $52.50 cloth; $22.95 paper.

--"Taming Global Finance: A better architecture for growth and Equity;" Economic Policy Institute Book; April 1999; 200pp; $15.95 paper.

Bourdieu, Pierre; Acts of Resistance: Against the Tyranny of the Market; The New Press (450 West 41st Street, New York, NY 10036); 523 pp.; $12.95.

Bowden, Charles; Juarez: The Laboratory of Our Future; Aperture Press, 144 pp.; 1998; $35.

Brecher, Jeremy and Tim Costello; Global Village vs. Global Pillage: A One World Strategy for Labor; International Labor Rights Fund, Washington, DC 20002; July 1993; 44 pp.; $3.75.

-- Tough Questions, Fresh Ideas, and New Models; Labor Research Review (MIdwest Center for Labor Research, 3411 W. Diversey, Suite 10, Chicago, IL 60647, 312-278-5418); 110 pp.; $10 +$1; Sept. 1996.

--Global Village or Global Pillage: Economic Reconstruction from the Bottom Up (South End Press, second edition, 1998)

Brecher, Jeremy, John Brown Childs, Jill Cutler, eds.; Global Visions, Beyond the New World Order; South End Press; Boston, MA; 1998; $40 cloth; $16 paper.

Braverman, Harry; Labor and Monopoly Capital: The Degradation of Work in the 20th Century, 25th Anniversary Edition; Monthly Review Press, New York; 1999; 460 pp.; $19.

Brecher, Jeremy and Kristin Dawkins; GATT and NAFTA, The New Rules of Corporate Conquest; Open Magazine Pamphlet Series (PO Box 2726, Westfield, NJ 07091); 1994; 20 pp.; $4.

Brown, Earl V., Jr.; "Principle Features of the North American Free Trade Side Agreement on Labor Cooperation;" in 1995 Wiley Employment Law Update, edited by Henry H. Perritt, Jr.; John Wiley & Sons; NY; 1995.

Browne, Harry, Beth Sims and Tom Barry; For Richer, For Poorer, Shaping U.S.-Mexican Integration; Resource Center Press (Box 4506, Albuquerque, NM 87196); 1994; 128 pp.; $9.95.

Browne, Harry and Beth Sims; Runaway America, U.S. Jobs and Factories on the Move; Resource Center Press (Box 4506, Albuquerque, NM 87196); 1993; 145 pp.; $9.95.

Bruin, Janet, editor; Justice Denied: Human Rights and the International Financial Institutions; Women's International League of Peace and Freedom (1213 Race St., Philadelphia, PA 19107-1691); 1996; $15+3.50.

Byrd, Bobby and Susannah Mississippi Byrd; The Late Great Mexican Border: Reports from a Disappearing Line; Cinco Puntos Press, El Paso (915-566-9072); 1996; 227 pp.; $13.95 (paper).

Canavagh, John, Lance Compa, Allan Ebert, Bill Gould, Kathy Selvaggio and Tim Shorrock; Trade's Hidden Costs, Workers Rights in a Changing World Economy; International Labor Rights Fund, Washington, DC 20002; 1988; 66 pp.; $3.95.

Castro, Max J; Free Markets, Open Societies, Closed Borders? Trends in International Migration and Immigration Policy in the Americas; Lynne Rienner Publishers; 1999; 303-444-6684; www.; 304pp; ISBN 1-57454-053-X; paper $27.95.

Caufield, Catherine; Masters of Illusion: The World Bank and the Poverty of Nations; Holt & Co., NY; 1996; 432 pp., $27.50.

Cavanagh, John, John Gershman, Karen Baker and Gretchen Helmke, eds.; Trading Freedom, How Free Trade Affects Our Lives, Work and Environment; Institute for Food and Development Policy (398 60th Street, Oakland CA 94618); January 1992; 138 pp.; $10.

Cavanagh, John, Daphne Wysham and Marcus Arruda, eds.; Beyond Bretton Woods: Alternatives to the Global Economic Order; Pluto Press; 1994; 239 pp.,; $12.95.

Child Labour: Costly at Any Price, Causes, Consequences, Solutions, A Teacher's Resource; CoDevelopment Canada; $15.00 + S&H.

Chomsky, Noam; Profit Over People: Neoliberalism and Global Order; cloth $32, ISBN 1-888363-89-4; Paper $15.95, ISBN 1-888363-82-7.

-- The Common Good; Common Courage Press.

Chossudovsky, Michel; The Globalization of Poverty: Impacts of IMF and World Bank Reforms; Third World Network and Zed Publications; 250 pp.

Coalition for Justice in the Maquiladoras; The Human Face of Work: Human Rights, Democracy and Working Conditions in Mexico (88 pp.); The Issue Is Health (80 pp.); Maquiladora Standards of Conduct; Border Trouble: Rivers in Peril; Maquiladoras: A Broken Promise; various prices and publication dates (530 Bandera Road, San Antonio, TX 78228).

Cockcroft, James D; Mexico's Hope: An Encounter With History; Monthly Review Press; paper $18; cloth $48; 1998; 320 pp.

El Colegio de la Frontera Norte/San Diego Dialogue; Demographic Atlas San Diego/Tijuana; UCSD Extension (M/C 0176, 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA 92093-0176); 1996.

Collins, Chuck, Betsy Leondar-Wright, and Holly Sklar; Forewords by Lester Thurow and Juliet Schor; "Shifting Fortunes: The Perils of the Growing American Wealth Gap;" Boston: United For a Fair Economy, 1999; $6.95 paper; ISBN 0*9659249-2-0; 94 pp; charts.

Compa, Lance A. and Stephen F. Diamond; Human Rights, Labor Rights, and International Trade, University of Pennsylvania Press, P.O. Box 4836, Hampden Station, Baltimore, MD 21211, (800-445-9880); 1996; 320 pp.; $39.95.

Confronting Change: Auto Labor and Lean Production in North America; Labor Studies Center-IRNAA, Wayne state University, 3178 FAB, Detroit, MI 48202.

Conroy, Michael E., Douglas L. Murray, and Peter M. Rosset; A Cautionary Tale: Failed U.S. Development Policy in Central America; Lynne Rienner Publication; 1996; 212 pp; $22.50.

Cornelius, Wayne A., Todd A. Eisenstadt and Jane Hindley, eds.; Subnational Politics and Democratization in Mexico; Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies, University of California-San Diego, (619) 534-1160; 365 pp.; $21.95.

Cowie, Jefferson; Capital Moves: RCA?s Seventy-Year Quest for Cheap Labor; Cornell University Press;

Cox, Kevin R.; Spaces of Globalization: Reasserting the Power of the Local; 1997; 292 pp.; $22.95.

Craypo, Charles and Bruce Nissen, eds.; Grand Designs: The Impact of Corporate Strategies on Workers, Unions and Communities; ILR Press; Ithaca, NY; 1994; $17.95.

Danaher, Kevin, ed.; Corporations Are Gonna Get Your Mamma: Globalization and Downsizing of the American Dream; (Global Exchange, 2017 Mission Street, Room 303, San Francisco, CA 94110, 413-255-7296); 1996; 223 pp.; $15.95.

-- ed.; 50 Years Is Enough: The Case Against the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund; South End Press, Boston, MA; 1994; 210 pp.; $14.

Dawkins, Kristin and Jeremy Brecher; NAFTA, GATT, and the World Trade Organization; Open Magazine Pamphlet Series (PO Box 2726, Westfield, NJ 09091); $5.

Derber, Charles; "Corporation Nation: How Corporations are Taking Over Our Lives and What We Can Do About It;" New York: St. Martin?s Press, 1998; pp 374; $24.95.

Dicken, Peter; Global Shift; Third Edition; 496 Pages, 1998, Paperback, ISBN 1-57230-303-4, Cat #8S0303, $37.95.

Dicken, Peter; Global Shift Third Edition, Transforming the World Economy; 1998; 496 pp.; $37.95.

Donahue, James P; Workers At Risk: A Survey of OSHA's Enforcement Record Against the 50 Largest U.S. Corporations; Essential Information Books (PO Box 19405, Washington, DC, 20036, 202-387-8030); 1991.

Dudley, Kathryn Marie; The End of the Line: Lost Jobs, New Lives in Postindustrial America; NY Times; 1998; paper $15.95.

Dunn, Timothy; Militarization of the US-Mexican Border 1978-1992: Low Intensity Conflict Doctrine Comes Home; Center for Mexican American Studies, Univ. of Texas Press (PO Box 7819, Austin, TX 78713-7819); 1996; 300 pp.; $14.95.

Dwyer, Augusta; On the Line; Life on the U.S.-Mexico Border; Latin America Bureau Book; 1994; 200 pp.; $15.

Eaton, David W; Transformation of the Mexican Maquiladora Industry: The Driving Force Behind the Creation of a NAFTA Regional Economy; National Law Center for Inter-American Free Trade; Tucson, AZ (800-529-3463); 1997; 89 pp.; $75.

Environmental Law Institute; Decentralization of Environmental Protection in Mexico: An Overview of State and Local Laws and Institutions; ELI, Washington DC (202-939-3844 or 800-433-5120); 1996; 310 pp.; $85.

Espada, Martin; Zapata's Disciple, Essays; South End Press, 7 Brookline St #1, Cambridge, MA, 02139-4146, (800-533-8478); $14.

Estes, Ralph; Tyranny of the Bottom Line; Berrett-Koehler Publishing, San Francisco, CA; 1996.

Fagin, Dan and Lavelle, Marianne; Toxic Deception: How the chemical industry manipulates science, bends the law and endangers your health; Common Courage Press; 1999.

Fernandez-Kelley, M. P.; For We Are Sold, I and My People, Women and Industry in Mexico's Frontier; State University of New York Press; Albany, NY; 1983.

Fisher, Jo; Out of the Shadows; Women, Resistance and Politics in South America; 232 pp.; $19.

Fleming, Lora E., Jessica Herzstein and William B. Bunn III; Issues in International Occupational and Environmental Medicine; 1997; 216 pp.; $53.95.

Forastieri, Valentina; Children at Work, Health and Safety Risks; ILO Publications; International Labour Office, CH1211 Geneva 22, Switzerland; 1997; 138pp; ISBN 92-2-109520-7.

Freeman, Richard B. and Joel Rogers; What Workers Want; Russell Sage Foundation; ILR Press Book; $17.95; Cornell University Press;

Fuentes, A., and B. Ehrenreich; "Women in the Global Factory;" Boston, South End Press; 1983.

Green, Duncan; Silent Revolution: The Rise of Market Economies in Latin America; Monthly Review Press; 1995; 180 pp.; $16.

Gregory, Michael, Bruce G. Carey, and Laura Durazo; Tijuana River Watershed Toxics Data Project Final Report; Arizona Toxics Information (520-432-5375 phone/fax); 1996; 250 pp.; (spanish/english); $25 ($7.50 without Data dictionary and Toxics Reference List).

Greider, William; One World, Ready or Not: The Manic Logic of Global Capitalism; Simon & Schuster; New York, NY; 1996; 528 pp.; $27.50.

Hahnel, Robin; "Panic Rules! Everything you need to know about the Global Economy;" $12; ISBN 0-89608-609-7; South End Press; 800-533-8478;

Handbook of North American Industry: NAFTA and the Economies of its Member Nations; Commission for Labor Cooperation; Berbab Associates; (4611 Assembly Dr., Suite F, 800-865-3457, Lanham, MD 20706-9936); $89.

Harrison, Bennett; Lean and Mean: Why Large Corporations Will Continue to Dominate the Global Economy; 1997; 363 pp.; $17.95.

Haspels, Nelien and Michele Jankanish; Action Against Child Labour; ILO Publications Center; PO Box 753 Box SPT10, Waldorf, MD 20604-0753.

Held, David, Anthony McGrew, David Goldblatt, Jonathan Perraton; Global Transformations: Politics, Economics, and Culture; Stanford University Press, 800-872-7423; $29.95 paperback.

Henwood, Doug; Wall Street's Lies and False Prophets; Verso, Labor Notes, 1997; 372 pp.; $25.

Herzenberg, Stephen, John A. Alic and Howard Wial; New Rules for a New Economy: Employment and Opportunity in Postindustrial America; Cornell University Press; 1999; $26.50.

Herzstein, Jessica, William B. Bunn III and Lora E. Fleming; International Occupational and Environmental Medicine; 1998; 768 pp.; $60.

Human Rights Watch; No Guarantees: Sex Discrimination in Mexico's Maquiladora Sector; New York, NY; 1996; 58 pp.; $8.40..

Human Rights Watch/Americas; Implausible Deniability: State Responsibility for Rural Violence in Mexico; (485 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10017-6104, 212- 985-1980); 1997; 112 pp.; $10.00 +$2.

Ingram, Helen, Nancy K. Laney and David M. Gillalan; Divided Waters: Bridging the U.S.-Mexico Border; University of Arizona Press; 1995; 249 pp.; $17.95.

Interhemispheric Resource Center; Cross Border Links: 1997 Labor Directory; (PO Box 2178, Silver City, NM 88062, phone: 505-388-0208, fax: 505-388-0619, email: 60 pp.; $5.95.

Investor Responsibility Research Centre; Sweatshop Quandry, Corporate Responsibility on the Global Frontier; 1999. 594 p., IRRC, 1350 Conneticut Ave., NW, Washington, DC, 20036, 202-833-0700. $50.

Invisible Government- The World Trade Organization: Global Government for the New Millennium;" International Forum on Globalization; $8 + $1.50 s&h; 1555 Pacific Avenue; San Francisco, CA 94109; 415-771-3394;

Johnson, Pierre Marc and Beaulieu, Andre; The Environment and NAFTA; Island Press, Washington DC; 1996.

Kamel, Rachael; The Global Factory, Analysis and Action for a New Economic Era; American Friends Service Committee (1501 Cherry St., Philadelphia, PA 19102); 1990; 94 pp.; $7.50.

Kapstein, Ethan B; Sharing the Wealth: Workers and the World Economy; Norton; 224 pp; $24.95.

Karliner, Josjua; The Corporate Planet: Ecology and Politics in the Age of Globalization; Sierra Club Books; 1997.

Kim, H. and S.H. Lee; "Commodity Chains and the Korean Automobile Industry," Greenwood Press; Westport, Ct. pp. 281-296.

Kneen, Brewster; "Farmageddon: Food and the Culture of Biotechnology;" New Society Publishers; 240 pp; paper $16.95; ISBN 0-86571-394-4; 800-567-6772;

Kochan, Thomas, Russell D. Lansbury and John Paul MacDuffie, eds.; After Lean Production: Evolving Employment Practices in the World Auto Industry; Cornell University Press; 1998; $47.50 cloth, $19.95 paper.

Kopinak, Kathryn; Desert Capitalism: Maquiladoras in North America's Western Industrial Corridor; University of Arizona Press (1230 N. Park Avenue, Tucson, AZ 52719, 800-426-3797); 1996, $45.

-- "The Maquiladorization of the Mexican Economy;" in Grinspun, R, and MA Cameron, eds., The Political Economy of North American Free Trade; St. Martin?s Press; New York; 1993.

Korten, David C.; When Corporations Rule The World; Kumarian Press, 1993.

--"The Post-Corporate World: Life After Capitalism;" San Francisco: Berret-Koehler and West Hartford, Connecticut: Kumarian Press, 1999; 318 pp; $27.95.

Kozolchyk, Boris; Toward Seamless Borders : Making Free Trade Work in the Americas; National Law Center for Inter-American Free Trade, 73 pp.; 1993, $95.

Krooth, Richard; Mexico, NAFTA and the Hardships of Progress: Historical Patterns and Shifting Methods of Oppression; McFarland Books (Box 611, Jefferson, NC 28640); 350 pp.; $47.50; 1996.

Kuppers, Gaby; Companeras; Voices from the Latin American Women's Movement; 200 pp.; $18.

Kwong, Peter; Forbidden Workers: Illegal Chinese Immigrants and American Labor; New Press, New York; 1997; 273 pp.

Labor Notes; Unions and Free Trade: Solidarity v. Competition; (7435 Michigan Ave., Detroit, MI 48210); 1992; 84 pp.; $7.

Labor Research Review; Confronting Global Power; Union Strategies for the World Economy; Midwest Center for Labor Research (Chicago, IL); 106 pp.; $8; Spring/Summer 1995.

LaFeber, Walter; Michael Jordan and the New Global Capitalism; W.W. Norton & Co; 1999.

La Botz, Dan; Democracy in Mexico; The Peasant Rebellion and Political Reform; South End Press, Boston, MA; May 1995; 250 pp.; $15.

-- The Mask of Democracy: Labor Suppression in Mexico Today; South End Press, Boston, MA; May 1992.

Lang, T. and Hines, C.; The New Protectionism: Protecting the Future Against Free Trade; Earthscan, London; 1993.

Langewiesche, William; Cutting For Sign: The Border Can be Crossed, but Never Ignored; AFSC Bookstore (980 N Fair Oaks Ave. Pasadena, CA 91103, tel. (626) 791-1978, fax (626) 791-2205 or email:; $23.

Lappe, Mark, and Britt Bailey; Against the Grain: Biotechnology and the Corporate Takeover of Your Food; Common Courage Press; 175 pp.; $11.21 paper.

Leachy, Dan and Joslyn Rose Trivett; A Preliminary Guide to NAFTA Governance; Evergreen State College (TESC Labor Center, Evergreen State College, Olympia, WA 98505);1994; $5.

Levenstein, Charles and John Wooding; Work, Health, and Environment, Old Problems, New Solutions; 1997; 534 pp; $26.95.

Loker, William M.; Globalization and the Rural Poor in Latin America; Lynne Rienner Publication; December 1998; ca. 240 pp; $53.

Madeley, John; Big Business, Poor Peoples: The Impact of Transnational Corporations on the World?s Poor; London; Zed Books, 1999; 206pp; $19.95.

Mander, Jerry and Edward Goldsmith, eds.; The Case Against the Global Economy: And For a Turn Toward the Local; Sierra Club Books (800-935-1056); 1996.

Mantsios, Gregory, ed.; A New Labor Movement for the New Century; Monthly Review Press, New York; 400 pp.; $24.

Martinez, Oscar J.; Border People: Life and Society in the US-Mexico Borderlands; University of Arizona Press, Tucson, AZ; 1994; 329 pp.

-- U.S.-Mexico Borderlands: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives; Jaguar Books; Wilmington, DE; 264 pp.; $40 hardback, $16.95 paper; 1996.

-- ed.; The U.S.-Mexico Borderlands, Historical & Contemporary Perspectives; SR Books; 1995; 276 pp.; $16.95.

Meiksins Wood, Ellen, Peter Meiksins and Michael D. Yates,eds.; Rising from the Ashes?: Labor in the Age of "Global" Capitalism; Monthly Review Press, New York; 1999; 220 pp.; $19.

Mexican Action Network on Free Trade (RMALC); We Have An Alternative!; (Avenida Godard #20, Colonia Guadeloupe Victoria, Mexico, DF); March 1995.

Migrant Workers; ILO Publications Center; PO Box 753 Box SPT10, Waldorf, MD 20604-0753.

Milkman, Ruth, "Farewell to the Factory: Auto Workers in the Late Twentieth Century," University of California Press; 1997.

Mishel, Lawrence and John Schmitt, eds.; Beware the U.S. Model: Jobs and Wages in a Deregulated Economy; Economic Policy Institute; Washington, DC; 1995; 236 pp.; $24.95.

Mishel, Lawrence and Bernstein, Jared and Scmitt, John; The State of Working America, 1998-99; Cornell University Press; $24.95 (paperback); $59.95 (cloth).

Mokhiber, Russell and Robert Weissman; Corporate Predators: The Hunt for Mega-Profits and the Attack on Democracy; Common Courage Press; 192 pp; $14.95 (paperback); $29.95 (hardback).

Moody, Kim; Rebelling Against Global Capitalism; Verso, Labor Notes; 1997.

-- Workers in a Lean World: Unions in the International Economy; Verso, Labor Notes; 342 pp.; $20.00.

National Lawyers Guild; Common Border, Common Struggles; Legal Issues in Cross Border Labor, Environmental and Human Rights Organizing; (Bob Storch, NLG, 1615 Arizona St., 79902); El Paso, TX; February 1995.

Noble, David F.; Progress Without People; Between the Lines Publishers; $14.95.

Olney, Shauna; Unions in a Changing World: Problems and Prospects in Selected Industrialized Countries; ILO Publications Center; PO Box 753 Box SPT10, Waldorf, MD 20604-0753.

Otero, Gerardo; Neoliberalism Revisited: Economic Restructuring and Mexico's Political Future; Westview Press;1996; 278 pp.; $19.95 (paper).

Orme, William A., Jr.; A Culture of Collusion: An Inside Look at the Mexican Press; University of Miami; 1997; 172 pp; $18.95.

Oxhorn, Philip and Pamela K. Starr, ed; Markets and Democracy in Latin America: Conflict or Convergence?; 1999; 283 pp; ISBN 1-55587-716-8; hc $55.

Panitch, Leo, and Colin Leys, eds.; Global Capitalism versus Democracy; Socialist Register 1999; Monthly Review Press; 1999; 300 pp.; $23.

Pena, Devon G.; The Terror of the Machine: Technology, Work, Gender, and Ecology on the U.S. Mexico Border; University of Texas Press; (800-252-3206) 460 pp., $19.95

Pilger, John; Hidden Agendas; The New Press; $18.95; ISBN 1-56584-520-X

Plant Closings and Labor Rights: The Effects of Sudden Plant Closings on Freedom of Association and the Right to Organize in Canada, Mexico, and the United States, Bernan Press, Dept 3RSD, 4611-F Assembly Drive, Lanham, MD, 20706, 800-865-3450

Pollin, Robert and Stephanie Luce; The Living Wage: Building a Fair Economy; The New Press; 1998.

Prieto, Iglesias Norma; Beautiful Flowers of the Maquiladora: Life Histories of Women Workers of Tijuana; University of Texas Press; (800-252-3206) 115 pp.; $9.95.

Purcell, Susan Kaufman and Luis Rubio, ed.; "Mexico Under Zedillo;" Americas Society Publication; 1998; 152pp; ISBN 1-55587-315-4; LC 97-32753; PB $13.50.

Quezada, Sergio Aguayo; Myths and [Mis]Perceptions: Changing U.S. Elite Visions of Mexico; Center for U.S.-Mexico Studies University of California, San Diego; $19.95 pbk, 423 pgs.

Recursos; A directory of U.S. Organizations and Institutions Dedicated to Advancing Mutual Understanding with Mexico; Benjamin Franklin Library (P.O. Box 3087, Laredo, TX 78044-3087); 1999.

Reich, Michael R. and Toshiteru Okubo; Protecting Workers Health in the Third World: National and International Strategies; Auburn House (88 Post Road, Westport, CT 06881); 1992; 303 pp.; $49.95.

Rifkin, Jeremy; The End of Work; G. P. Putnam?s Sons; 1995; $15.95

Roberts, Joseph K.; In the Shadow of Empire: Canada for Americans; Monthly Review Press, 1998.

Robinson, Ian; North American Trade As If Democracy Mattered; International Labor Rights Fund, Wasington, D.C.; 1994; $7.50.

Robinson, William I.; Promoting Polyarchy: Globalization, U.S. Intervention, and Hegemony; Cambridge University Press, New York; 1996; 466 pp.; $22.95.

Rochlin, James F; "Redefining Mexican ?Security?: Society, State, and Religion Under NAFTA;" 1997; 217 pp; ISBN 1-55587-569-6; LC 97-13585; hc $ 49.95.

Rodrick, Dani; Has Globalization Gone Too Far?; Washington, DC: Institute for International Economics; 1997.

Roett, Riordan; Mexico's Private Sector: Recent History, Future Challenges; Lynne Rienner Publication; October 1998; 252 Pages; $49.95.

--Mercosur: Regional Integration, World Markets; 1999; 139 pp; ISBN 1-55587-838-5; pb $13.95.

Rosen, Fred and Deidre McFayden; Free Trade and Economic Restructuring in Latin America; Monthly Review Press (122 West 27th Street, New York, NY 10001); 1995; 288 pp.; $16.

Ross, Andrew; No Sweat: Fashion, Free Trade and the Rights of Garment Workers; Maquila Solidarity Network; Verso, 1997.

Ross, John; Mexico in Focus: A Guide to the People, Politics, and Culture; Monthly Review Press; New York, NY; 1996; 80 pp.

--The Annexation of Mexico; Common Courage Press; 345 pp.; $19.95.

Rotella, Sebatian; Twilight on the Line: Underworlds and Politics at the U.S.- Mexico Border; W.W. Norton & Company, Inc.; $25 plus S&H; 500 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10110.

San Diego/Tijuana Planning for Prosperity Fund; Demographic Atlas, San Diego/Tijuana,104 pp.;1995.

Schmidt, Samuel and Gloria Macias, eds.; United States-Mexico Border Environmental Directory, 2nd. edition; University of Texas, Center for Inter-American and Border Studies, El Paso, TX; 326 pp.; $15; 1995.

Schiller, Dan; Digital Capitlasim: Networking the Global Market System; MIT Press; 320 pp.; $29.95.

School of Industrial and Labor Relations; Regional Integration and Industrial Relations in North America; ILR Press, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY; 272 pp.; $28.95.

Schuman, Michael; Going Local: Creating Self-Reliant Communities in a Global Age; $21.00; 1997.

-- Towards a Global Village: International Community Development Initiatives; Pluto Press; 189 pp.; $18.95; 1994.

Seligson, Mitchell A., and John T. Passe-Smith; Development and Underdevelopment: The Political Economy of Global Inequality; 2nd Edition; Lynne Rienner Publication; 468 pp; $23.50.

Sennett, Richard; The Corrosion of Character; Norton Books.

Shaw, Randy; Reclaiming America: Nike, Clean Air, and the New National Activism; University of California Press; 800-822-6657; $16.95 paperback.

Shiva, Vandana; Stolen Harvest: The Hijacking of the Global Food Supply; 150 pp; ISBN 0-89608-607-0; paper $14.

Simon, Joel; Endangered Mexico: An Environment on the Edge; Sierra Club Books, San Francisco; 265 pp.; $27; 1997.

Sims, Beth; Workers of the World Undermined: American Labor's Role in U.S. Foreign Policy; South End Press; 139 pp.; $9; 1992.

Sims, Beth and Tom Barry; On Foreign Soil, Government Programs in U.S.-Mexico Relations; Resource Center Press (Box 4506, Albuquerque, NM 87196); 1994; 85 pp.; $9.95.

Singer, Daniel; Whose Millenium? Theirs or Ours?; Monthly Review Press; 1999; 288 pp.; $45 cloth; $17.95 paper.

Sklar, Holly; Chaos or Community? Seeking Solutions, Not Scapegoats for Bad Economics; South End Press; Boston, MA; 1998; $35 cloth; $15 paper.

Smith, Clint E; Inevitable Partnership: Understanding Mexico-U.S. Relations; April 2000; pp 225; ISBN 1-55587-873-3; pb $19.95.

Smith, William C. and Roberto Patricio Korzeniewicz; Politics, Social Change; and Economic Restructuring in Latin America; University of Miami; 1197; 280 pp; $22.95.

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